so you think it got locked, because two people made reports......delusion is strong here
Yeah, it's not really because we made reports, even if the 15 reports a day was given as being too much workload for the moderators which was given as a reason for the shutdown.
It's really because there was that much shoot being posted that broke the published rules.
Personal attacks were by far the most of what I reported, but derailing and off-topicking were pretty rampant too, more than spam. Then there were quite a few people posting new threads with IMO-flamebait on stuff that already had open threads (so reported as a duplicate thread) or discussing moderation (including the old favourite "I just reported you :P" type stuff).
As for the other part of
@jowwy's accusation, about people admitting bad behaviour, I plead not guilty by merit of only very rarely recently getting the "your post has been moderated" alerts, but I suspect probably means that either the rules weren't quite right or a lot of stuff didn't get reported!
Why's the new site not been announced in Site News? I know it will come as a shock to some, but I'm not actually subscribed to NACA (generally finding it by Recent Posts or New Threads) so this thread was the first I knew about it.