New in from Hampshire

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So I'm Ryan and I'm from Basingstoke
I started cycling (after a long absence since childhood) about 4 months ago. It was mainly to get fit and lose weight, both of which is has helped significantly for me to achieve.
I have recently purchased the Specialized Tarmac 2015 which is delivered on Saturday.
I do have a quick question in regards to Apps/Garmin/Heart rate monitors;
I've been using Strava standard to map my rides on my fixie, now i'm going to be riding longer, faster and harder, is it really worth upgrading. I read the details on Strava but it seemed as though the only real difference was that you can make your own segments.
Also, is a heart rate monitor a good idea, i mean, to make sure i'm not pushing myself too hard? or should I just rely on my bodies own intuition?
Lastly, is the a good fixture to attach my phone to my bike (I have a Sony Xperia Z1 Compact) in order to be able to see my Strava whilst I ride.


welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Hi. Welcome to the forum., personally I wouldn't bother with gadgets and gizmos. Just ride your bike and have fun.:welcome:


Fast and careful!
Welcome along to cyclechat,
With monitors all roads lead to garmin,I use a 800 with os maps,hr and ant cadence,ticks all my boxes,mixed views on hr monitors from members about use and accuracy
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.
Welcome along to cyclechat,
With monitors all roads lead to garmin,I use a 800 with os maps,hr and ant cadence,ticks all my boxes,mixed views on hr monitors from members about use and accuracy
Ok, so it's a case of if you're doing a route unfamiliar then get yourself a garmin. If you're riding a familiar route or locally there's no need.
And just to avoid a HR monitor and just listen to what your body tells you... I can deal with that...
Thanks again for the heads up.
Sorry - couldn't resist

On a serious note, a heart rate monitor can be a good idea. Set a target value a few percent above your present average and you will be doing more work, and it will keep you from pushing too hard
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