well could someone please ask him to join in with this conversation then we may actually get more intelligent counter arguments other than getting people to wear helmets when they are walking incase they fall & bump there heads.
You have completely (and deliberately?) misunderstood this.....
WHen someone starts with the "Wear a helmet or dribble for the rest of your life" thay make a statement
Asking why thay only apply that dribbling argument to yclists and not to pedestrians is entirely relevant as it shows just how hypocritical and stuopid these statements are
Anyone who has done any research (even the most basic) will know that pedestrians, car drivers, and pasengers ALL suffer more head injuries per year, and that a far greater saving in cost, trauma and personal cost woud be made if these groups wore helmets.
Yet it sems that this is "Silly"
Somehow when suffering a similar injury a cyclists needs to wear a helmet to preventthemselves becoming a dribbling vegetable, yet the proponents of this feeble argument simply cannot explain why a pedestrian becoming a dribbling vegetable is an acceptable outcom that does not ned to be mitigated or prevented.
As aked before... do pedestrians with head injuries dribble less than a cyslist with the same injury?