As per my username i work in IT in fact I predate PC home computers of whatever you want to call it, there's nothing wrong with Google or Apple or Microsoft but they do have your data when you use any of their software, they're collecting info from you all the time, dont believe me this is a screenshot from my home security filter, none of these are bad in the big scheme of things but blocking all advertising collection is tricky at best and in many cases if you do you'll lose functionality of the device, software website you're trying to use.
email spam is unforgivable and just should not be allowed, internet service providers could block 99% of it but hey why would they. My personal domain is under attack 24/7 even though they're no website associated with it, anyway as I work in IT i put a professional security tool in front and the results are amazing, but not a surprise to me, its safe to say everyone in the UK online is under attack either daily or at the very least once a week.
Scroll down and see the hackers try to get inside my home, this is just a few lines the real log is hundreds of lines long, daily!
This is the log from my router today, these are random computers probing to see it anything is online in my house
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 18:18:07
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 18:17:28
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 17:32:50
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 17:31:59
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 17:09:37
[Service blocked: ICMP_echo_req] from source, Thursday, Oct 22,2020 16:05:38
Back to the OP original point about a new email address, spammers can autogenerate millions of random email address and blanket mail them all, so pretty much nothing you can think of as a new address will be spam free.
Once you start using your new email address start highlighting these emails as spam and Google will learn patterns and begin very successfully blocking them for you. The spam icon is the exclamation one next to the bin.