New Forums Part II

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It’s just as well then that only two people care about your feelings.

You don't have to justify yourself yo anyone, if people don't like what you write that's their problem, no on has a right not to be offended. People need to get over themselves, its only website.

Yes, it's only a website, and that is the problem. People feel they have the right to say things online which they wouldn't actually say to someone's face. Personally, I think your comment to @jefmcg is rude and obnoxious, but if you feel you have the need/right to insult people why not look in a mirror first?
I think the rest of us were having a mostly sensible, adult discussion before you waded in. If you have something to say, get it off your chest, or take your own advice.
Oh I think I have had my say and it seems to have hit a nerve...

Now, what was it about freedom of expression you wanted to discuss?


Oh I think I have had my say and it seems to have hit a nerve...

Now, what was it about freedom of expression you wanted to discuss?
I dislike it when people insult and snipe from the sidelines, and offer nothing of their own. So yes, you've hit a nerve. Congratulations, you must be as proud of that as you are of your childish obscenities.


This deserves a response and so I'll try to give it one without saying anything which betrays confidences. I should also say my views changed dramatically once I became a mod and found the whole thing quite alarming for a number of reasons.
  • A forum owner tearing his hair out, we ultimately depend on him for this forum!
  • A mod team stumbling from report to report (and just one mod over nearly the whole of summer)
  • People resorting to trolling behaviour because of differences of political opinion (part of that was in the manner of the reporting)
  • A divided community
  • A declining participation in PaCA
  • Key members sitting on the edge of participation
People have spoken about the moderation overhead and that was just sheer volume. Cafe threads or training threads could be just as onerous to moderate, it just didn't happen as often.

So if anyone has the answers to that, because I don't, I'd love to hear them.
May I suggest that we all give this some thought and come back to Crackle?


I dislike it when people insult and snipe from the sidelines, and offer nothing of their own. So yes, you've hit a nerve. Congratulations, you must be as proud of that as you are of your childish obscenities.

Do you ever read your replies?
I'm sorry to say but you my good man are without doubt one of the worst offenders for putting people down, and sniping.

Especially people like myself who cant spell or don't possess perfect grammatical english.
Heaven help them if they vote tory.

You could try being less confrontational, i often have too.
Really? You don't think your behaviour and that of others over the past few days is demonstration enough?
See, you are making progress already. Instead of just sniping, you're engaging. That's really good! I'd seen your previous similar posts and had no idea who it was addressed. Now I know it's me.

I still don't know what I'm posting that you think is childish. Pick a few examples and I'll respond, and modify my behaviour if I agree.

But however childish you think I am being, I'm afraid I am too old to respond to (if you'll forgive me paraphrasing you) "I want you to sit quietly, young lady, and think about what you posted!"
It’s just as well then that only two people care about your feelings.
Well it got 5 likes, so technically 6 people - including me - care. :angel:
You don't have to justify yourself yo anyone, if people don't like what you write that's their problem, no on has a right not to be offended. People need to get over themselves, its only website.

You've inevitably missed my point. I'm arguing for a more open discussion, but if there is censorship it has to go both ways.

And thank you @Phaeton for your thoughtful response. It's always my hope when I respond to something that makes me feel belittled that I can help the person understand why. Sadly they often know exactly what they are doing, but sometimes I can make a difference. Which is why stifling of debate saddens me.


Do you ever read your replies?
I'm sorry to say but you my good man are without doubt one of the worst offenders for putting people down, and sniping.

Especially people like myself who cant spell or don't possess perfect grammatical english.
Heaven help them if they vote tory.

You could try being less confrontational, i often have too.
If I've ever criticized you for your spelling or grammar, I apologize unreservedly. As for anything else, I'm happy to discuss it by PM, so we can keep this thread on track.
[...] if people don't like what you write that's their problem, no on has a right not to be offended.

I don't claim, and never have claimed, any "right not to be offended". I do think that it matters for people to be able to challenge views, opinions and behaviours that they find offensive, or disagree with. Fwiw there's not many occasions I've felt offense in response to content on here. Agreement, dissent, frustration, recognition, anger, rage, amusement... But rarely offense.

View attachment 384396
Yes, it's only a website, and that is the problem. People feel they have the right to say things online which they wouldn't actually say to someone's face. Personally, I think your comment to @jefmcg is rude and obnoxious, but if you feel you have the need/right to insult people why not look in a mirror first?

I really couldn’t care less about you or your opinion of me, and would be quite happy to say it to you in person if I’m ever fortunate to meet you. Not quite sure what looking in mirror has got do with anything, I am well aware of all of my shortcomings, and I’m not all offended by your reply if it was your intention to offend.

I don’t post much, I’m a long time lurker, recent changes on CC have revealed a lot posters taking themselves far too seriously and so far up their own peanuts it’s a wonder to me that they ever see reality. They really do need to get a grip.
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Salty seadog

Space Cadet...(3rd Class...)
The nub for me is this is the one forum I come to. I talk a load of old bollocks to amuse myself. I don't fb or tweet as I'm too busy working to pay taxes to keep you lot in your welfare cheques. I've seen enough flounces and I doubt many will leave because of this. I like the cycling aspect but come for the variety of threads. I've met some of you lot and, without wishing to be soppy, it's nice to be around what I like to think of you lot, my inferiors.

But if the content dries up, I'll find less reason to visit. And I'm sure others will eventually too. I hope it doesn't. I fear it will.


Growing old disgracefully
South Wales
Here's my feeling: if we aren't allowed to have a debate about casual sexism, then I think we also shouldn't be allowed to post jokes about throwing your wife out of the car or comparing your mother-in-law to a cow.

I fail to see how comments about mother-in-laws are sexist, unless you are suggesting that only men have mother-in-laws.
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