So how do I filter next to a kerb on a fixie then??
Addressed upthread, but a sticking point for me as well. I would feel bereft without the ability to head for the most convenient clear channel in traffic. However, as there are many quite adept non-freewheelers who get along fine in the tight squeeze of the city, it behooves me (I've had
horses on my mind today) to understand them.
So… I consider the fact that I am a vegan (or rather, that I eat like one. True vegans would kick me out for my leather shoes, among other transgressions.) Most omnivores and even vegetarians would find my diet limiting.
I do not feel that I'm missing out. I'm quite happy with the wide range of food available to me. My life is full (as is, frequently, my stomach. Mmmm.) In this way do the empathetic neural pathways of my brain arrive at the conclusion that the fixed rider's is, too.