Trials and tribulations of buying a box of bits in the first place continued today with some good and bad. Finally managed to get the rear dynohub fitted with the correct nuts,bolts and spacers (I think!) after a long search on internet finally found a picture showing the non drive side for my model, which seems to have different lock nuts and spacers from any other model..... The box of nuts, spacers, locknuts etc that came with it though still has one spacer and 2 nuts left in it which is worrying.
Think I've knackered the back rim a bit to as its only a wheel shaped object at the moment and needs some serious straightening after threading the old hub to a new rim.
Put the headset back together, smooth as a babies bottom, same as the bottom bracket.
Got the new to me bars sorted out. The old ones have been hammered repeatedly by the previous owner trying to shift the bars, when all he had to do was stick a bit of GT85 down the tube and hit it once with a hammer to remove the locking piece

One piece bars and stem or I could have reused it to fit the lovely bars
Eck sent me. Bought some cheap rusty bars from fleabay that came up alright which I'll use till I find a stem.
Then went to fit the brakes and levers that
Teuchter kindly dug out his shed for me, front one went on fine, unfortunately the rear ones bolt is to short. Luckily these are replaceable so I will have a root round at work for a longer one.
Few bits and pieces left to sort and I'll finally get round to buying some new cables. Hopefully be on the road next weekend, maybe minus a seat!