Reporting in with a brief (ok, not so brief) ride post.
Met up at 'The Pole' at the allotted time, just as
@dan_bo arrived and just moments before the other ride attendee Ian rolled up. The weather was perfect, not too hot or too cold, dry and just a light breeze, but not in any direction in particular. In short, a perfect autumn day for a ride

At a few minutes past the allocated start time just to allow any stragglers to arrive we departed along the quiet A-road towards Oldham. The plan was to ride out of Oldham over Grains Bar, drop down through Denshaw before climbing up past the radio mast at Windy Hill and then passing under the M62 and heading partway towards Rishworth and Ripponden but turning left at The Turnpike to cut across to the A58 and climbing back up Blackstone edge. here we would look at the clock before deciding whether to dash for home or to descend Cragg Vale into Hebden Bridge and coming back the long way.
At the start, Dan was already getting his excuses in with tales of still recovering from an episode of double man-flu! I made sure not to ride too close behind him as the frequency and volume of snot he was expertly ejecting made it a dangerous place to be

While waiting at the top of Grains Bar for Ian and Dan to arrive I bumped into another group of cyclists that were waiting for a ride member that had stopped on his way up the same hill. I had slowed to ask the lad on the Boardman Hybrid if he needed any assistance but he assured me he was all sorted before jumping on his bike to follow me to the top. On arriving he asked his ride mates for help in getting a suitable pressure in his rear tyre and one of the ride members dramatically produced a CO2 inflator and then, equally as dramatically inflated the tyre, along with gasps, oohs and aahs as he proceeded to produce large clouds of vapour from his hissing contraption! The tyre seemed to get inflated satisfactorily, either that or the bike owner was too scared to ask for more help!
We let them depart first and gave them a decent headstart down the hill before mercilessly chasing them down and passing them before the crossroads in Denshaw, and another long steady climb to Windy Hill. While waiting in the layby just next to the radio mast I saw plenty of cyclists passing the other way. It really was a good day to be out on the bikes.....
It looks cloudy but it really wasn't!
Ian eventually arrives, Dan was somewhere behind him
While cutting across the back of Rishworth towards the A58 I really nearly lost it on one of the hairpin bends when my back wheel lost grip because I was braking hard into the turn. I wish it could have been caught on a Go-pro or similar so I could see if I looked like a floundering idiot or skilful pro when I managed to keep control of the bike (just) and make the corner while remaining right-side up. We were also passed by someone riding an ebike around this point and I was almost catching him as we turned onto the A-road for the climb to Blackstone Edge reservoir but as soon as the road turned upwards he disappeared into the distance (The big fat cheat!). I paused and waited for my two ride partners and waited to almost halfway up before gunning it to the top. I was rewarded for my efforts by having time to buy a nice Mr Whippy from the van at the top and I was busily enjoying this when a familiar shape should hove into view. It was none other than fellow CC'r
@DiddlyDodds who had just climbed Cragg Vale and was complaining that he couldn't get going properly because he kept bumping into people he knew and had to keep stopping for a chat

, Any excuse!
After this it was a fast drop down to Hollingworth Lake where Dan insisted we stopped by the lake for a selfie of the 1st club ride. The sun was really shining now and I was beginning to wish I had brought some sunglasses as we headed back through Milnrow and Shaw on the way back to the start in Failsworth.
Dan & Ian passing through the sleepy Milnrow village.....
Ian peeled off just before Chadderton and I continued with Dan almost back to 'The Pole' before saying our goodbyes.
It was a good day and a good ride. Not a huge turnout, but from small acorns mighty oak trees grow and from the sound of it this is going to be a club that is going places and will offer something for everyone. I will certainly be riding with them again and look forward to filling in a membership form soon