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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Ben_3 said:
oh, i've never heard of such a thing, i'm intrigued... are you saying they can be dangerous then?
i'm curious as to how "twist and jam in the spokes" can happen, please elaborate as to how this can be a safety thing?

I read it only a couple of days ago, in beginners I think. If the reflector (we are talking about the elongated oval things that clip onto one spoke and sit between about three or four spokes) is loose or badly fitted, or the clip or screw fixing is not secure, the reflector can get jolted so that it twists and sits across the spokes not between them, and jams against the fork or seat stays. It'll probably shatter, but could well jam the wheel and have the rider off...

Edit: Story here. Linked to in the Gallery thread about PunkyPossum's new bike.

I can also guarantee that no one in the world has a bike exactly like any of mine. That still doesn't mean it's wrong or pointless for someone to post up a pic of an off the peg bike and say "This is my bike, I like it very much".


Lover of things that come in 3's
Ben_3 said:
no, course not. not if you want to look like a novice, which a lot of people, obviously none more so than your good self arch, do.

you can't really claim you're not vain enough to care what you look like if you post your own new thread in photo gallery...:smile: bemuses me...oh well

anyhow nice bike and all that badger.brad. it obviously pleases you :biggrin: :biggrin:

Wow, well done on derailling this thread purpose........I was interested to read about bar ends and see images of other bikes and setups. Yet I end up reading a load of twaddle trying to justify......a load of twaddle:biggrin:

Back on the OP, I'd love to see a thread/section exclsuively dedicated to images/descriptions of customisation of rides. Think it would be great to see what can/has been done but also to understand the rationales behind said actions and if the goals have been achieved.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
MacBludgeon said:
Back on the OP, I'd love to see a thread/section exclsuively dedicated to images/descriptions of customisation of rides. Think it would be great to see what can/has been done but also to understand the rationales behind said actions and if the goals have been achieved.

Good idea - although I think we need to be wary of adding more sections. Might be worth having a specific thread as a sticky....
OK so has anyone got one like this ? In fact would anyone want one like this ????????:smile: The plastic milk bottle mudguard makes it for me as do the naff looking tyres ( which are quite good for half on and off road) the icing on the cake is the end that was cut off the grips to put the bar ends on now live on the bar ends. Not even the lowest of the local scum would be seen riding this. I can leave it any where.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Excellent, those tyres really are truly ugly. And that's coming from someone with very little concern how she or her possessions look, as long as they do the job.:ohmy:

On the other hand, imagine a bike with the frame pink and the tyres blue. I think that might just be worse, by a gnat's crochet.


Can you even do that? They are quite thin...i would like it as well, but thinking of giving up and getting some bull horns for nice reach, and just leaving them in the middle. Woe betide any dogs that run across my path :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
Bull horns with bar end shifters would be great.... but I'd still want the brake levers on the fore and aft section, rather than on the "flats". Thing is most cheap flat bar levers are for V brake, and I'm on calipers.


Hmm yeah, although tbh I would prefer the brakes within easy reach than the shiters, I don't shift all that much on my commute...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
rich p said:
If this forum was a Hollywood movie, Arch and Bonj would end up swooning all over each other!

Thank god it isn't then... :rolleyes:

Porkypete, I can't remember quite what set up my boss has, but it might have both on the bar ends. He'll have probably engineered it all a bit (cut stuff down, or shimmed or something.). I'll try and remember to look it up in the magazine, or check when he gets back from his holiday...
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