Never sworn so much as I have this afternoon

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Cletus Van Damme

Previously known as Cheesney Hawks
I found them a bit of a faff to be honest. Using an angle grinder to cut the stays made it much easier though. It was just attaching the stays to the mudguard that I found a bit fiddly.


When I fitted my SKS's to my hybrid I had to shape the stays on one side to clear the disc brake calliper. Fortunately there was sufficient room to work the stays round the calliper and the mudguard stays were long enough for the job. Other than that the job was a breeze.


Active Member
I had some Bluemals a few years ago - think they were by SKS. Chinglish instructions that didn't make sense so got my mobile mechanic to fit em - still took him 45 minutes and had to cut the stays down and add correct length bolts.

Thankfully that bike got nicked and now use Zefal Swan only when it's raining. Take 30 seconds to fit and are very effective. Downside is that they only take the same amount of time to remove but they haven't been thieved yet. Don't think there's much of a market on Ebay for used cheap mudguards but then again I don't live in a big city.


Active Member
I bet we all have tins full of crap that we were supposed to use fitting stuff to our bikes.


Ironically yesterday I went through the anal and OCD process - otherwise considered organised or "sad" - of emptying the numerous shoeboxes of "spare" parts "just in case" which in my case seems to be; never. Creating spreadsheets and labels.

I found my Rema puncture repair kit - had been looking for that little git for ages. Unfortunately I didn't find the SPD cleats I was actually looking for and are obviously in a "safe place" that for the life of me I can't remember.

I'm determined not to break into the new box of M520s though. When they eventually turn up that victory over my crap memory will be so much sweeter!


Naturist Smurf
Must admit, fitted mine with no problems over two years ago and remember it being time consuming but trouble free. The worst part was having to fit it all once then remove to cut the stays to the right length. Also, a well stocked odds'n'bobs tray is a boon!

+1 To do a really good job you have to fit the mudguards twice over. Once to work out where to cut the stays, and again once the stays are cut. There are people who use a Dremel style tool to trim the stays in-situ, but I prefer not to have all the dust and sparks from the abrasive wheel flying around, so I remove them, hacksaw them, file off sharp edges, then refit. For mine that meant eight separate stays, and doing all those accurately and cleanly is not a quick job.


Norven Mankey
Followed some sage advice here and thought, boll*cks to this and took it to the LBS.
He charged me a tenner, despite having to take an angle grinder to the stays etc etc. I really am crap at this fettling lark, should leave it to the experts. He did admit to them being a bit of a bugger to fit which cheered me up somewhat.


Norven Mankey
Must admit, fitted mine with no problems over two years ago and remember it being time consuming but trouble free. The worst part was having to fit it all once then remove to cut the stays to the right length. Also, a well stocked odds'n'bobs tray is a boon!
Thanks Skol. Next time we're out on a ride I will either be on the Airlite with mudguards or some other bike without. Now they're on, they're not coming off.


Active Member
Followed some sage advice here and thought, boll*cks to this and took it to the LBS.
He charged me a tenner, despite having to take an angle grinder to the stays etc etc. I really am crap at this fettling lark, should leave it to the experts. He did admit to them being a bit of a bugger to fit which cheered me up somewhat.

Worth the tenner I feel!


Active Member
NEVER! Where's the sense of achievement?

In being able to afford a tenner and knowing that it's some other poor saps job to have to fit mudguards?

Personally I would have got them fitted, tucked 2 fivers in my waistband and taken the bike for a "test ride" really making them them earn their damn tenner!
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