That is not quite true. The mandatory lights must be fitted to the bike, but you can have additional optional lights which don't have to be.
You can have lights on your helmet or on your back.
You can do that here as ell, but not that many do. My current helmet has a built in rear (red) light, so I do. It isn't uncommon to see lights on rucksacks on commuting cyclists.
Ok, so the website was somewhat wrong, thanks for clearing that up.
24 states in the US it is now illegal to use a cell phone while driving, but none of the states except maybe New York, enforce it. It's illegal where I live but everyone just uses them anyways, and the cops don't care, but that might be because the cops use them while driving!
There is one problem though about cell phone use while driving, if you are involved in an accident, they might want to see your cell phone, if it can be determined that you were using it at the time of the accident, you could be in more trouble, in the case of a fatality they will pull your phone records. They pulled my phone records when a drunk driver pulled out in front of me from a side street entering onto a highway and I had no choice but to T-bone him and kill him, the state investigation pulled my phone records at some point to see if I was on the phone, not sure what sort of problem that would have presented since the drunk driver was the one that ran the stop sign and pulled out in front of me with nowhere to go except through his driver's door.