That's Cornwall for you.. But still it's beautiful so..
We all learn differently, but personally I find I'm best off left to my own devices once I've got the basics..
Someone directing (or criticising) your every move, in a "You don't want to do it like that" way, doesn't help with learning, or gaining confidence I don't find.
I train women in using machinery and in other skills, I find encouraging them to have faith in their own abilities, and then giving them lots of time to practice, practice practice, by themselves, is the best way to gain confidence.
And do expect to fluff stuff, now and then, it's fine, we all do..
I have a friend who runs specific courses for women returners (or beginners) in cycling, I'll ask if she has any top tips..
But as the youth / meme brigade like to say.
"Don't give up - you got this"