Need To Get Serious :) - A fat lad from Scotland

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Hi all! Saw this site at work, thought I'd come home and post!

I've been riding bikes pretty much all my life, apart from the past 6-7 years when I got really lazy, put a lot of weight on, and barely touched my nice Raleigh front suspension MTB I bought when I was 18, 24 now going on 25

One day not too long ago I had an epiphany that a great way to lose some of my 364 lb bulk would be through cycling, I loved riding MTBs when I was a kid and moved on to BMX when it was the cool thing in my teens but always had a MTB for fun, after a wee bit of research I decided to go for a hybrid because I work a lot, I don't have time for going to the gym much or leasure time to ride a MTB anymore so I thought commuting the few miles to work every day and going on little day trips to nice country places would be a great way to lose weight.

Checking Halfords and a few other cycle sites (Evans, mostly, I don't know of any others, new to this y'see...) and I saw a great Carrera Subway 2011/2012 18" hybrid bike in Halfords for £280 that looked perfect for me, no pannier or mudguards like I wanted but a quick google search and I've already found ones that would fit it with ease, all that was left to do was wait til payday to get the bike.

Payday rolls round, I sit anxiously where I am now infront of my laptop, Visa in hand and wages in the bank ready to plonk down £280, the most i've ever spent on a bike (I've only ever spent more money on 2 things before in my life, this laptop, and a £300 guitar) when I go to the Halfords site and see the bike at £400!! My heart sank.. dejected, I moped around for an hour or two, sucking the milk out of my cereal and feeling like I've lost all my energy. Until I got the idea to email customer services and ask them about the offer, I even checked google shopping to see if I had imagined the price or not (I had not, they really had put it up £120 on the day I get paid, Halfords are obviously in cahoots with my wage payers.) I got an email back from someone at Halfords saying they would offer the lower price, VICTORY!

So I ordered the bike to be picked up at my local store in Kilmarnock this coming Monday, I'm apprehensive but greatly excited at having a working bike again that is also hopefully of top notch quality, something I can get excited about and care for (very excited about fitting full mudguards to it!)

I guess what I'm writing all this for is if I'm wondering if any of you have ever been to this particular store, how was the service, were they good?

I hear good things about the Carrera Subway, especially the disc brake versions (like the one I ordered) do you think I'll be able to get a good regular workout on it?

As a soon to be commuter should I bother with a pannier rack and bag, or just get one of those floating seatpost dealies? What other things should I get to take care of the bike, and myself? Helmet of course, lights for the bike, a high vis vest, and a rain jacket, am I missing anything?

The bike will be out in the rain possibly for up to 11 hours a day, no cover (outside work on an unsheltered bike rack) what sort of preparations can I give it before I subject it to that condition, and what sort of treatment should I give it after I've gotten it out of the rain?

And in particular I'd love to hear from people who used cycling as a way to lose a lot of weight, what sort of advice could you give me, if any at all? I'm really looking forward to being a part of this community :smile: and I'm sorry for all the questions, I'm just so eager!
I prefer the rack and pannier option myself, put a bag on the offside of your bike and cars seem to give you a wider berth, perhaps they see you as being a bit wider. I like really good lights on back, normally two flashing at different rates, hard to miss. I see some out with poor front lights which don't show up very well at all so get a good one for the front as well!
If the bikes spending all that time in the wet proper maintenance is a must, GT85 for pivot points on derailleurs and front changers. Weldtite TF2 wet lube for the chain.
Pays to get in the habit of doing an 'M' check as well
Not to forget a tool kit, spare tube, tyre levers and a pump, all of which will of course fit nicely in the new panniers.


I've never had a seat post mounted pannier but I think I'd prefer as with all previous ones I've had the rack and pannier. They've been reliable and can take the weight without me being concerned. I've also the feeling that a seat post mounted pannier subject to cycling forces, would work its way lose :ohmy: I think that positioning so you are visible to drivers is the best safety device, you can be lit up like a Christmas tree but if you are not in the driver's eye line they can fail to see you; check out the government book Cyclecraft, it offers excellent advice. I've never done more than cleaned and lubed bikes stored outside; with your storage conditions I guess you might need to do it more often. Check out some of Gb155's post for some excellent inspiration on the weight loss front.


Legendary Member
It's a great pity your new bike has to stay outside all day, no chance of getting it in somewhere?
Regarding weight loss, this guy has an inspiring story.
His User Name on here is gb155
I do think cycling can only play a part in a weight loss programme, adjustments to food intake will be required too.
You don't say how many miles you will travel to/from work, but most advise to take it easy at first, maybe just using the bike for one or two days a week, until man and machine become one.^_^
Good luck!


I need to do what that guy did, what a brilliant blog!

I have read in to nutrition, I was with a personal trainer for a few months, that's now ended as I moved away, however I took on board the eating plan and I mostly eat a low carb diet with lots of protein and vitamins, while trying to also cut down on daily calorie intake, my diet has never been better, i have the odd slip here and there but I find most of the time I'm able to have some resilience and not give in.

Sadly I can't keep it in, this will happen rarely, hopefully. I sometimes work 11 hour shifts in a call centre, and there's no places to not let it get wet, I can't bring it inside with me. At home it will likely be kept either inside the house, or in a waterproofed shed. GT85 sounds like a good plan, and I'll look at getting some of that TF2 stuff as well, regarding those is it best to use them before or after? I'm guessing after, after I've given it a proper dry yeah?

I like the idea of a pannier a lot, I think it looks classy with fenders and a pannier and it would have more storage, I will probably take it to the shops and get groceries a few times too so the storage will be really helpful :smile:

Thanks for the replies, this is really helpful stuff!


Well-Known Member
If there is a "poundshop" nearby you might be able to get a lightweight seam welded bike cover for.. you guessed it.. a princely pound. It wont be perfect and you,ll have to fettle it to stay secure on the bike but its got to be better than nothing. I used to keep a box of clean rags in the garage and dry my bike off as soon as I got home, then lubricate as and when its necessary.

Another vote for the pannier option..many have an external pocket that the bike cover would fold up into easily.

Good luck.


Hi there

I'm a bit older than you, and certainly not in Gary's league, but I lost 5 stone with cycling being an important part of that. My thoughts are - take your time. I averaged just slightly over a pound a month for 14 months by running a calorie deficit. Don't just hit carbs, run a calorie deficit. My main change was stopping shop bought food like sandwiches and crisps at lunchtime. I mainly eat fruit at lunch now. If you have a Spar nearby they sell a bag of fruit for £1. Water is a great diet aid. If you feel peckish in the evening after your meal have a pint of water.


North Yorkshire
I use the 'MyFitnessPal' website (& iPhone app) to calorie count. Like you I was overweight & my place of work started a 'Cycle to Work Scheme,' so I bought a bike through them last April. Since Jan '11 I have lost just over 25kg (56lbs...) Losing weight isn't rocket science, it's easy; eat less, do more! I've still got a fair bit to go, but loving the cycling all the same. I've also just bought a Turbo Trainer for while the weather is crap to keep my fitness up...

Good on you!

Gooner Mad Dog

Active Member
Hi there , you may well need to look at your diet as well, cycling will help but not if you are eating all them deep fried mars bars up there! I have a banana after my 10/11 miles at lunch soup n sandwhich, main meal in eveing am 12st 3lbs at 48 and 5 10 .... as for gear did it on a budget £20 Muddy Fox high viz jacket from Sports direct, waterproof trousers from lidl a tenner, good pair gripping gloves 2 pairs, warm socks loadsa carrier bags to waterproof stuff in bags also I put my feet inside carrier bags trim off stops feet getting wet in real rainy days.... good luck


@ Nebulous - Do you mind if I ask how many calories you were able to deficit per day? If my math is correct with my current level of activity I would need to put in 3400 calories a day to maintain my current weight, I have tried calorie counting before and found it to be quite inneffective but thats likely due to me giving up after only a few weeks and and probably because at the time I was not doing a lot of exercise, and I know you can't just diet, you need activity too!

I'm led to believe 3500 calories is roughly the equivalent to 1lb of mass so by cutting out 500 calories a day and doing 500 calories of activity a day I should be getting 2lb of weight loss per week, though the reality is always less, would I be right in saying that?
The most weight I ever lost in any length of time was 14lb in 2 weeks, so I know how to lose weight, and I'm pretty confident in my knowledge of diets and nutrition, but I'll always accept advice and any suggestions anyone can give me, I really appreciate you guys sharing any advice, it's all very helpful :smile: The only thing I really need to work at is putting it all in to practice, being healthy is not just a thing to do, it's a whole lifestyle and that's something I'm coming to terms with.

For breakfast I mostly have either a piece of fruit, or a bowl of cereal with skimmed milk.
Snacks mostly contain either bananas, or some kind of citrus fruit, tangerines are a firm favourite.
Lunch is usually soup on it's own
When I get home I will have a home cooked meal of either a pork chop or a steak with vegetables, some gravy, and baby potatoes. This is the thing I need to work on, the meal is usually between 8 and 9 PM and is usually read by the time I get home, when your mum still cooks for you, you can't exactly refuse her cooking less it hurts her feelings, eating anything that late at night isn't good for you, your body is shutting down for the night as sleep approaches and your metabolism slows, meaning food is not digested as well, or something like that anyway. Not to mention potatoes are loaded with carbs, as are bread, pasta and rice so my main aim diet wise is to cut down on those foods, and if possible eat only brown pasta, rice, and bread, and limit them to no later than lunch time, and only in small amounts.

The water idea is brilliant, I've never tried that, at night I get really thirsty and what I usually reach for is a can of coca cola, I'm going to start the water thing now, that'll probably help a bit. And i have an iPhone and I've tried loads of fitness apps, I'll give that MyFitnessPal one a go.

I see some of you keeping a track of how many miles you've done on your bike, how can I keep a record of that? Is there an iPhone app that will do that too or some other sort of thing I should get set up?


Sorry I had an error in that last post - it was of course over 1lb a week.

I was working on the same sort of figures as you- 3500 calories for a lb of fat. Aiming for a lb a week I decided to go for a 700 calorie a day deficit Mon-Fri, with a balance at the weekend. The main reason for doing that was that I thought (no science behind it) that it would prevent my metabolism slowing down if I didn't run a deficit all the time.

I had porridge for breakfast with raisins, 5 or 6 pieces of fruit at lunchtime and a meal in the evening. At weekends I had a salad at lunchtime and slightly less fruit. As the weight came off I had to increase my exercise to keep losing weight. Part of my thinking was that if I took my time to lose the weight it gave me a chance to change my eating habits and establish new ones.

Have a look at to track miles. You need to request to join the cycle chat group by contacting the admin, then you can get a ticker on your signature.



Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.

It's great to see you here...and can/will lose a lot of weight with the attitude you show in your post.

Now then..let's get the really important part out of the way...the guitar you guitarist here..and it's always good to chat with people who know their priorities...bikes/guitars!!

Right wanted to hear from peeps who los tweight...

I was 23 stone 4 years ago. I finally had an ephiphany or i got up..went to the gagrage and fired up the mtb I hadnt ridden in a LONG time...many many years.
I ride to the end of the driveway and thatw as enough.

Next day i went to the end of the road...hit the kerb and went arse over tit in front of a group of chavs...ego severly dented...but the following day i did it again...then i made it to the park...then around the park...a month later I was riding around th epark each day.

Then one day I thought I would try to get to th enext town...that remained a challenge for a month or so...and I had a lot of 'bad' days out there...but i kept going and finally i made it to th enext town.

I had worked out theroute which avoided the 'big hill' that hill remained a mental obstacle for a year ....while I kept riding more miles each day...finally making it to the school and the woods and all the local places I wanted to go.

By this time I had found this place...Cycle chat... and I had a notion that I would like to re visit my youth and maybe go cycle touring...(i rode to paris at 16). So I hung out in th etouring section here and got lots of superb advice and inspiration.

I bought a dawes galaxy bike and some panniers and a tent etc as a rsult of that advice and set off to conquer norfolk from my then home in essex. I rode up to the coast from south essex along th ecoast and back down...taking 9 days in some of th ewordt weather august has ever thrown at this country I suspect.

Nobody in my family seemed to care or notice...

I was determined to keep riding through that winter..every day even xmas day. ..and I did.
I kept riding...all spring...then I set off to germany..bremen...and rode down the lenght of ghermany to switzerland and back home...then a week later I went to calis and rode down to montpellier on the med...

When I got back...I had lost 8 stone..

I am still riding.

There are others on with such stories....many ahve los tmore that I did and I salute them.

Good luck.

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