You have to give
some credit to technology Nigel, a lot of beautiful things today wouldn't be possible without it
I didn't say that, what I said was I don't understand the need for information or entertainment when we are out, I appreciate technology for what it is. I wouldn't be able to produce the images I do without it, but when on the bike I don't need music ect. (mind I don't needed them when home) in my ears when there are the sounds of the world all around us. A G.P.S. track is useful for recording purposes, but I have a track of all the rides I have done even before I started to use G.P.S. tracking, again H.R. and Cad is useful information to have but not essential.
Oh no I get the technology and it is wonderful esp' when I think that only 15 years back I wouldn't even be able to reply to you like this. I run large chunks of my life via my lappie and my mobile is invaluable. I live with Mrs SD who is the 'go to' girl at work for software/hardware/stupidity IT issues so I am definitely 'with it'.
I just cannot stand rudeness which to me includes aborting conversations mid-stream just because Justin Bieber has tweeted that he changed his underpants today.
Call me old, call me a fuddy-duddy, call me whatever; I just like politeness.
Totally agree with this.It's like on flickr, as interesting as a sequence of images can be do you really wont to see the same stuff for 100's of images and example would be a local guy goes and shoots at Ponty Races, different horses different colours different jockeys but essentially the same thing over and over, I suppose my car pics could fall into the same category.
15 years ago certainly how I use the net hasn't changed much, remember the W.W.W. was developed in 1996, before that there were things like A.O.L. and Compuserve, admittedly on call up and expensive in comparison. I remember A.O.L. introducing a 1p per min charge and thinking thats cheap (plus your phone call at local rate). Before that there were B.B. (Bulletin Boards, not Bottom Brackets) again expensive and only one caller at a time ( I think).I also had my own web page to do with naturisam back in 98-99
I don't need g.p.s to get around (though it can make it easier), I have done that many local miles, it really doesn't matter where I go now, it did when I started but more due to a fitness thing. I also have a vague idea how the road number system works, (though I think it has veered away from the original intention), I can read road signs and just need to head toward where I know, I can use the sun/stars (when visible) as a rough compass (or moss on a tree come to that) so I can usually head in the right direction if lost, failing all that I have a cake ole' I can ask people with, mind you, half the time they are none the wiser.