I think it was in the mri, just not clear in the report. He does say it is relatively small. Ive not seen him since the MRI, I had a letter which said there was nothing major but to be aware of the knee. He evidently felt that with some rest it would settle. On prodding, the pain is directly over the lateral meniscus. And he showed me the tear and surrounding inflammation on the MRI. Seems pretty conclusive.
Who's to say it's not got worse since the mri? I have degenerative tears in the other knee too, had lateral menisectomy in 2010 after previous bike accident (locked, buckling knee)
He may have been kidding partly about the cycling but considering he's been trying to treat my other leg for the last 5 years following to cycling accidents, I can't really blame him!
Cycling hurts, there's no enjoyment, I guess I need to get away from the denial. The meniscus has little blood supply so I'm not sure how gentle cycling would help, they don't heal on their own. They settle, this hasn't. Cycling and other exercise can help with arthritis by improving lubrication in the joint but that's different cartilage, not meniscus.
The pain has been getting steadily worse since and is pretty much constant whether walking, cycling, sitting at a desk for work, driving a car, despite anti inflammatories and pain killers. This is why I had the appointment.
Everyone is different. Frankly it's making me miserable, it's getting worse, whatever I do or don't do. I seem to be prone to orthopaedic niggles that get worse. The knees, tennis elbow, lower back, I am seeing the gp about pain in my left hand that isn't getting better. I assumed tendonitis but again the naproxen taken for knees isn't helping at all!
I'll have the surgery ASAP once squared off with work as I am damned if I'm going to pull out of ride London again!