Hi all,
I wouldn't count on me racking up too many miles on the tour to begin with. The heat, humidity and altitude are all unknowns so intend to find my feet and capabilities slowly. I'm easing off a little on the training after this weekend, still got a few things to sort out and my inbox/diary has never been busier. It's nice to know I'm going to be missed. Fitness wise i've moved onto another level entirely, riding the Thorn fully loaded has done wonders, I'd love to have a suitable bike to have a crack at a couple of 10's I'm absolutely flying on the fixed at the moment and wouldn't be surprised if I could turn in a long 20 or short 21, my PB was 20:19 20 years ago.
Keep an eye on my blog i'll update it from the notebook I'm taking with me whenever i have an internet connection.
Once I've settled back in when I return, I'd enjoying meeting up with as many of you as possible, the FNRTTC rides sound like great fun.
It's going to be a strange day at work tomorrow, details of my ride are being published in the weekly newsletter at work, although I've hardly kept my intentions secret since I seperated from my wife a couple of years ago. They all think I'm nuts, but most are as jealous as hell LOL.
The last two years has really re-ignited my passion for cycling again, I've agreed to renew my old BCF Coaching qualifications and help out the local club when I'm back.