Why does a fast time matter on a sportive, surely the speed is made on the ups and flats not the downs...unless it's all downhill! However, as it's a 75 mile sportive somewhere hilly an extra couple of mph on downhills will make diddly different, better a couple of extra mph up the hills on a better bike with better wheels. Why sell the bike?
My Missus was/is quite proud of her present fitness having been clinically obese in the past, she has done fitness classes for the last few years and done the moon walk on 3 occasions and did a couple of adventure races ( like a really long assault course). She also has raced sailing dinghies for many years and used to ride horses most weekends. She has had to give it all up due to problems with her back ( facet cyst, bulging disc and vertebrae out of alignment may need fusing) so was losing her fitness , Her consultant advised cycling or swimming . Running, doing berpees, squats, pulling on ropes, hanging out of a boat or trying to rein in a stroppy horse was out. She decided switch to cycling as a means of fitness , Cycling is more convenient, plus me and the kids have been doing it for years. Pain block injections are keeping her pain free at the moment but if her vertebrae need fusing it is all likely to go out the window for months anyway.
She has no great love of cycling or road traffic and wanted a challenge to drive her on. The Velothon is the challenge ,which incidentally was picked because it is on closed roads. The decent time means she is not over the hill just quite yet, she has a certain pride. The anxiety with hills is a problem she wants to go away, it ruins her enjoyment and self confidence that's why she booked the hypnotherapy up fairly quickly. Selling the bike is actually a bit of a joke it will probably become mine as I can fit on it no problem with a longer stem and my road bike is 7 years old and is starting to delaminate, but hers would be available if she wanted it back. Plan B is the MTB's she had a big grin when we went around the local park the other day as no anxiety from traffic just the hills, she wont be able to any technical trails because of her back but could plan interesting trails to keep her enthusiasm. I have time to go out with her and happy to bimble along as my going out with the club and racing days look be over as well , the same time my wife's back went so did mine ,, I was poleaxed for the best 3 months of the summer after trying to race 2 locals up a mountain in Swizerland. I was in agony the next After getting back to the uk for a scan it was found I had 4 deteriorated discs, one bulging disc. I started riding again 8 weeks ago, commuting only.
I get your point about you can make up more time on the uphills and flats and she is certainly on the bike ( Kuota Kom Evo) with very nice wheels ( Reynolds Attacks) and has power in spades to do that. My concern as I have said before is danger in a bunch, there will be 15,000 people on the day starting at different times peletons may form from groups behind and start scything through stragglers, the front guys may see my missus doing 12 mph downhill and calls out, indicates etc but the 20th geezer may not be paying attention and slam into her. I incidentally will be riding shotgun so they would actually slam into me .
Looks like we wont get to test the hypnotherapy tomorrow as due to rain all day, and she does not cycle in rain yet.