My rant

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More serious cyclist than Bonj
Right today i came home from school to get some work, and was running late for my geography lesson. The teacher doesnt like me, i dont like him. I wind him up all the time in the lessons and he tries to do some back.
So he decided to go to 6th form, because hes got 1 person out of the 7 in his lesson. Who does he say is truenting, me:angry: But he does it to a teacher that gets on with me and knows that me and this teacher dont get along. He leaves it for head of 6th form to sort out.
So i turn up at my lesson slightly late(half way through) to find him there with one other person just talking. I walk in and tell him why i wasnt in. He moans some more and i sit down. He goes to explain some work and gives it to us, we end up talking about why me and the other person in there find it hard to do his work, and other teachers work.
I go and see the teacher he complained to and told him. So hes going to head of 6th form to try and sort out the thing of me and the teacher having a problem with each other, and tell him why i wasnt there.
So after a chat about that, and what i want to do after 6th form, telling him i cant get the focus, or the motivation and me not having a clue what i want to do after 6th form i feel pretty crap.
No idea what job i want to do, dont want to go to uni, and at the moment i just dont want to be studying. The teachers tip was to get 6th form done then get a job, mentioned i wouldnt mind trying to be a bike messenger and his advice was to go and do that for a year, see how it goes. He said his son was like me, did 6th form then got a job. After just over a year he decided it wasnt for him and hes gone to uni. Which when i think about it, its what i want to do. My parents on the other hand, i doubt would be too happy about me taking a year out to be a bike messenger. They want me to get a good job because im seen as the clever one out of me and my 2 brothers. I dont want to work in an office, and doing any work that isnt practicle i really dont think i will be able to do.
No time for a bike ride to de-stress so im sat here annoyed with music on.
Lots of thought, no idea where i want to go, and when there are people around me knowing exactly what they want to do, which uni they want to go to, its not so easy.:biggrin:
Going no-where it seems:wacko:
I do 3 subjects at school plus general studies, so im doing alot less then the other people, and the same or less then the year up which have already dropped a subject(they either do 3 or 4 subjects, my year do 4 or 5) So im not working as hard, and sometimes it still feels like im doing alot, its hard to get focused on these 3, glad im not doing more:wacko:
Feel better for writing that all down:smile:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
Joe24 said:
I wind him up all the time in the lessons

Sorry, Joe... sympathy ran out at that point.


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Fab Foodie said:
Sorry, Joe... sympathy ran out at that point.

Although just to say, its more playful winding up, which he knows, then full on winding him up where he gets really annoyed.
For example he mentions how man kids he has alot, so i will ask him how many he has even though he has just said it for the 8th time in the lesson.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Joe, I went to uni through parental, school and peer pressure directly after VIth form and it was a mistake. I should have waited to see if I really did want to go at all or waited until I knew what I wanted to study so don't let them bully you or cajole you into going if you really aren't sure. As far as the A levels go, I'm not sure. You'll probably need them as a a minimum requirement in the future - so many others will have them at least if you're competing for a job in the future. Maybe get your head down to finish VIth form and then take a break would be my advice for what it's worth.

p.s My specialist subject was winding up the teachers!


Your teacher is right. Get sixth form done. Take a year out, if you need to. Go back to school afterwards. You know it makes sense.

I did the same, though rather unintentionally as I failed my exams. Don't do that, it's such a waste. The other teacher you don't get on with is just a temporary distraction. Cut out the lip and get your head down. He would like to see you fail. Prove him wrong. That is, if you're capable. :biggrin:

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
ChrisKH said:
Your teacher is right. Get sixth form done. Take a year out, if you need to. Go back to school afterwards. You know it makes sense.

I did the same, though rather unintentionally as I failed my exams. Don't do that, it's such a waste. The other teacher you don't get on with is just a temporary distraction. Cut out the lip and get your head down. He would like to see you fail. Prove him wrong. That is, if you're capable. :biggrin:



Well I found it hard to follow that post, but I think I got the general gist.
My advice is to stick with the 6th form, or perhaps do a more vocational qualification at college (trade etc). Whatever you do, don't drop out. Somewhere down the line you will regret it, especially as it is the norm to get a degree nowadays. If you are competing for a job you don't want to be two rungs lower on the ladder than the other candidate who may well have A'Levels and a degree. Doing A'Levels with give you more opportunity for other things at a later date.

Perhaps you should consider changing your A'Level Geography course. I swapped twice in 6th form (from Art to History and from Business Studies to English lit the former quite late on in the year). If it is any consolation I didn't know what I wanted to do either. I just kind of drifted into Uni as my parents expected it of me (they let my sister get away with just doing GCSEs). I've never really used my degree, but going to Uni was the best thing I did. Mainly from a social and life skills point of view.

A decade or so down the line, and I *still* don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I'm quite content with my current job at the moment - not something I'd ever envisaged doing. Not too much stress, not too boring, fairly well paid for the area, very close to home etc etc. Got my own house, other half, lots of friends and so on. I basically work to live, and not live to work. So long as I have a nice place to live, lots of free time and money to spend on my hobbies I'm quite content.

So chin up, there is hope for people who haven't got a clue what they want to do in life! Maybe I'll find out my true calling when I retire..........


New Member
+1 with Plax.

It took me til I was mid-20s to realise that people who know what they want to do must place more emphasis and value on work than I do. The people that do know are just different from (you?) Plax or me.

Get the best results you can get in the bag and take it from there.

One tip though - don't become an English teacher. That's not for you ;o)


Hong Kong
Hey Joe

Don't be forced to go to Uni because teachers say so, this happened to me and the pressure was so great to do something that I didn't want to do, that I stopped doing my Highers, quit school and went travelling. We don't have 6th form in the same way you have in England, we have 6th year.

After a few years, I found out what I wanted to do, went back to college, done some A levels, I was living in London by then, and I'm now at 29 years old, doing what I want to do not what a 6th year teacher wanted me to do when I was 16.

There is no shame in not knowing what you want to do, very few people do at 16/17 so take your time and you will find your vocation.

Hope this helps and doesn't sound patronising.


Cycling in the sun
Did it have to be the Geography that you aren't keen on ... its was my favourite subject!!

Stick with the studying for now - is there an opertunity to switch teachers if there is a personality conflict? Am I right in saying you can also apply to Uni but then defer? (I'm very out of what comes next ... my eldest has only just sat her first part of a maths GCSE paper last week.) Quite a few of my friends did take a year out ... and I think they were slightly more mature when they went to uni - plus they had money enough to buy a car.

I didn't know what I wanted to do at any stage... I have just taken the next choice when it came along. Even when it came to jobs ... it was what came along and I stuck with it if I enjoyed it. (I'm not ambitious, craving loads of money, I'd rather amble along enjoying myself).

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
Knowing what you want to do is a great help. I know what I'd want to do now, but didn't then. My advice is to work really hard at your A levels. Then if you don't want to go straight to university, take a year out. Being a bicycle courier for a year sounds like a great idea if you can do it. It would give you some time to work out what you do or don't want to do, as well as getting yourself temporarily off the endless treadmill of education. What subjects are you studying apart from Geography?


More serious cyclist than Bonj
Thanks everyone, made me feel better.
Quite a few people seem shocked when i say i dont want to go to uni, like its a thing you should do. Which annoys me. I know of someone who was really entusiastic about uni, really wanted to go and was looking forward to it. He went this year and dropped out a month ago after he found out it wasnt for him:wacko:
Im doing Digital photography, geography and pe, and theres general studies aswell, which is 2 lessons a week. Dont worry, not doing English;):eek:
Its not geography that im not keen on, i dont mind it, and we have 2 teachers for it. Im fine with the other teacher, mess about abit but do the work. But this teacher that i dont get along with just kills it, ive had him since year 7 aswell. Its not just me that doesnt get along with him, alot of people dont like going to his lessons, and other staff dont like him aswell.
The teacher obviousely loves me, everyone does. I think hes jealouse of my coolness:becool:


Über Member
Joe24 said:
Thanks everyone, made me feel better.
Quite a few people seem shocked when i say i dont want to go to uni, like its a thing you should do. Which annoys me. I know of someone who was really entusiastic about uni, really wanted to go and was looking forward to it. He went this year and dropped out a month ago after he found out it wasnt for him:wacko:
Im doing Digital photography, geography and pe, and theres general studies aswell, which is 2 lessons a week. Dont worry, not doing English;):eek:
Its not geography that im not keen on, i dont mind it, and we have 2 teachers for it. Im fine with the other teacher, mess about abit but do the work. But this teacher that i dont get along with just kills it, ive had him since year 7 aswell. Its not just me that doesnt get along with him, alot of people dont like going to his lessons, and other staff dont like him aswell.
The teacher obviousely loves me, everyone does. I think hes jealouse of my coolness:becool:

I get the same thing all the time. I don't like the idea of studying yet again, only at college because I don't have a clue what to do job wise. Same boat.


Legendary Member
Joe24 said:
Dont worry, not doing English;):eek:

You really should try to get some help with your written English as this will help open the door to many and varied employment opportunities.
It is also quite common ( or was!) for people of your age to say "I don't want to work in an office", without realising the variety of office based jobs available, it's not as if you are locked in all day!;)
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