My picture of the day-Where's yours?

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Mrs M

Have been passing this mausoleum for years and decided to stop and look. Seems they wanted a really, really big stone 'statement'. There is a gate and through the gate you see a window - but no door. The occupant wanted a view but not necessarily a way out.


That’s like the pyramid in Rome.


Legendary Member
Devon & Die
I'm not sure that the historical claim would stand up to scrutiny, but it was a fine pasty!

Photos from yesterday’s ride

20/25 years ago there was a flurry of spending on cycling infrastructure in this part of France .. quite a few Voies Vertes opened (re-purposed former railway lines), towpaths managed and some rest stops constructed. Since then, what money has been available has been spent on maintenance of those projects.

How nice to see therefore that a new aire de pique-nique is under construction at the site of the former railway station at Pleucadeuc on Brittany’s V3 Voie Verte. Not only that, but a new cycling trail has been built to connect with the D112 (fast road into Pleucadeuc from the west) – but with decent wooden barriers to create a discrete cycle path (compacted sand/grit surface) that extends for about 600m towards Pleucadeuc and then, rather oddly, disappears into some woodland…. hopefully this will be extended. No doubt this will all progress as the summer approaches.

From a personal perspective, it’s great news .. on yesterday’s 6-hour ride around this area, I thought I’d stop at the shelter at Malestroit but it was full of teenage girls who hadn’t cycled there (not a problem – they were having fun – but it would have been nice to have sat down for 5 minutes and eaten a banana). Carried onto the shelter at la Chapelle Caro – two kids inside playing football – so I gave that a miss too. The new stop at Pleucadeuc is about 3km outside the town so it really shouldn’t attract non-cyclists.

Probably of zero interest to anyone other than me – but I had the camera, took some photos and thought I’d share them anyway.

Work in progress (and who knows when it'll be finished) - I'll take a better photo another time

Aire at Pleucadeuc old railway station pic 2.JPG

The new exit from the aire, leading to the protected cycle lane alongside the D112

Aire at Pleucadeuc old railway station pic 1.JPG


Just reflecting on the meaning of life.
North Hampshire
My bike on a bridge near another two bridges above some water (Le Tech). In front of a mountain or two. At Ceret.

Love Céret. Stayed in the area several times and looking forward to returning.
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