A like for sharing, not for the injury. I hope it heals quickly.Been up here a few times thought I'd stop off again and enjoy the view the way out is on a blind bend so you have to go slowly. Ended up going too slow once i'd waited for a passing car and down I went.Still enjoyed the ride though
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The bike is fine just a bit of cosmetic damage to the top of the shifter.
+ 1A like for sharing, not for the injury. I hope it heals quickly.
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Having had a few visits from this fox over the last few weeks, he seems to be happy to sit and watch us too! This from this evening, with a zoom lens, but less than 10’ away. So, my best image of him.
He has a mate, but she turns and runs when we try to step outside.
I took the soon to be MrsPete on the Waverley from Margate to Southend to watch the airshow about 32 years ago!
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Super sexy Italian tomatoes from today's harvest..
Yes they're supposed to be stripey