Fairburn village Watering Trough & Village Pump
Now restored, & not quite the kind of village that's expected in the Yorkshire coal-field (just as Hooton Pagnall isn't, in the South Yorkshire mining area)
Daughter walking away from camera
Looking down Cut Road, away from the trough (ie; behind me)
Cut Road, is the line, heading from the village, to cross the centre of the (two) lakes, & end on the banks of the River Aire
The (now bypassed) 'old' A1 is the major road, running through the centre, with the pre-dual carriagewaying 'Great North Road', being the narrow road between the houses to the right of the (once) dual-carriageway, continuing between the hedgerows to 'three o'clock' of the roundabout
When it was the A1, the roundabout didn't exist, there was an overbridge, for traffic to reach the eastern side of the A1 (picture is looking south)
An emaciated 'Pony', spotted in the car-park at 'Xscape', on the way home
I wonder if the owner was making a statement, about buying the baby 2.3 (4-cylinder), instead of the V8??