1. Whilst in Sainsburys, on Ings Road, at dinnertime, Amelia spotted something, went to pick it up & came back to me with Tinned Pumpkin!!!
We had visited ASDA, Tesco, Sainsburys around Halloween, as we'd been told that one of them may have been selling Pumpkin Pie...
Sadly they weren't
With seeing this, I bought 3 cans there, & she's made me 2 this afternoon!!
(I first tried it, in Florida, back in February 2012, & almost got hooked on it)
2. During the course of the day, we passed through the bottom end of Leeds, so I took the opportunity to head down Thwaite Lane (around the back of DM Keith Skoda, & towards Thwaite Mills Museum, for those who know Leeds)
Last December, a disused/blocked-up/filled-in lock there was obliterated by the floods
Allegedly one narrow-boat was washed away, & basically disappeared! (presumably it sank, & was covered over by the spoil washed out of this breach??)
I wanted to see what progress had been made on the lock.............. not a lot since then
Barring another crane, it barely looks different from my visit back in February
For comparison, pre destruction;
Post breach;