Two photos actually (& a bit of background to one)
The original sign (which I thought was long lost), in the 'Bluebell Inn' at Wentbridge, on (pre-bypass bridge) ;'Great North Road'
I took SWMBO/'management' & daughter out for tea this evening, & we went there (it was that, or 'Cross-Keys' at Hillam - near Monk Fryston)
It predates the days of post/stage-coaching, & survives (albeit rebuilt, in parts) to this day
The orange road, & the yellow to the south, heading back to the A1, are the route of the 'GNR' (rejoins A1, to the north, by the mast, at Westfield Lane)
However, pre-1830s, it did follow a different aligment out of the village to the north, if you look at the map, there's a bridleway heading east, -by the Church - that's Jackson Lane, the pre 1830 climb
Afterwards, & on the short journey up the A1, to FerryBridge, & the M62 back home, it was decided to call at ASDA - Glasshoughton, for a few things
Whilst perusing the books/magazines, I spotted this, so it went in the basket
I'll start it tonight, when I go to bed