I love Dr D
buggi said:well, not a lot of training actually. London to Paris is in July so i start training in about March/April. First long ride in April (60 miles) and build it up. i do however cycle to work (17 miles) if the weather is mild over the winter, just to keep the legs turning.
Update on feeling lonely
well, i'm not actually looking for a fella believe it or not. i think the reason i'm lonely is lack of mates, not lack of fella. i only have a couple around here (bad relationship break up 5 years ago, left a life behind and all that malarky) and the ones i've got left are married/with kids which means nites out and holidays are hard to come by. i'm not usually down about living on my own but i think when i get bored i get down.
anyway... i did what my mum suggested and currently have 12 (!!!!) new potential penpals. not bad for 24 hours work ha ha.
and something really cheered me up today. the guy i split up with a year ago (and possibly the one love of my life) got in touch today. he saw someone that looked like me and he thought of me... but she didn't have my legs... and do i want to come round for a cuppa?
well, what a surprise... NOT... i recognise this pattern, it's happened twice before in our 4 and a half year relationship, 3 times devastated. first comes the nice texts and then comes the invite for a cuppa and then comes the "i miss you" talk. Well you know?... what... let the F*cker beg coz i just realised i'm not that lonely after all, i was just having an off day.
o yea, what did he say one of his reasons for cheating was? o yea, i remember, he likes sex.
Well what the feck were we doing EVERY times he came over??? i must have been miseducated. W@nker
Get him told