My intro to road bikes at age 45. Ouch!

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Hi everyone!

New forum user here although I've been on the forum for a while searching out common issues and guides and stuff.

I started cycling maybe two years ago, bought a hybrid Carrera from Halfords. Actually that's not true, being a smoker and knowing I needed to get fit I started on my sons 20" cycle just around the square where I live (maybe 300m), got back and lay down on the road trying to breathe! Using that. Few times, going round for longer I then got a hybrid from Halfords. Started building up my mileage, gave up cigarettes and started vaping which I still do and eventually got up to 31 miles. When I nearly got run over though, a guy in a 4x4 coming out of a side road didn't see me until I started screaming like a girl, I have to admit, it put me off and didn't ride the bike.

Until about a month ago. Got back onto it and started riding and really enjoyed myself. Just done 31.4 miles yesterday and my legs are in agony but im also aching to do more, 50 miles would be awesome. A few days ago I even ordered another bike, a cannondale caad8 Claris that my wife bought for me as an early birthday present. It arrived a couple of hours ago actually.

And this is where we get to the point of the thread title. Unwrapped it, set it up and just took it out on the square that I live on. Roads are frosty so I'm just taking it easy, it's a new bike, dunno how to change the gears to go up (looked online already and figured that mystery out), slow down for a corner, touch the front brake and slam! The front goes underneath me and I'm sliding on the road! Look back and my 10 year old on is also on his arse!

Get up to get my son up and off the road, it's not a busy road but still, get the bikes up, nearly slipped again and tend to any wounds. As we're doing that a moped comes along and does exactly the same! Help get the bike off him and then walk home.

And that's my intro to the forum and to road bikes, at 45 years old, falling down was something I was long past. Seems to not be the case. Especially as I've got some clipless pedals and shoes on their way to me s well, that's gonna be fun!


Much like my own story, similar age and now ex smoker trying to fix the damage from a misspent youth. Might be my motorcycling past, but touchwood, I have yet to come off, but I would never have went for my front brake in those circumstances. We all live and learning though. Keep up the good work, sounds like you have a nice bike, maybe don't get so hung up on the distance and concentrate on effort. Welcome to the forum, I look forward to hearing more of your progress.


Thanks for the welcome, I hear what you're saying about effort vs distance but it's just something I need to do. Being able to do 50 miles, in my mind at least means I'll have genitalia the size of melons! ^_^


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Take it easy out there this time of the year. Frost and ice on the road will have you off when you least think. As you have found out.
Great that you are so keen to rack up the miles. But do take it easy. The more you ride the more miles you will do. Dont push yourself to do miles just for the sake of it. As the saying goes. 'Smiles not miles'. The miles will come dont you worry.


Thanks for the welcome, I hear what you're saying about effort vs distance but it's just something I need to do. Being able to do 50 miles, in my mind at least means I'll have genitalia the size of melons! ^_^
I hear what you are saying, I fell into the same mindset myself for a bit. I'm planning on a 50 miler myself new year morning but if there is a flatter 50 miles in Scotland I've yet to find it. Anyway, take care on that ice, some people pick up awkward injuries from the simplest of falls.


As long as I breathe, I attack.
Take it easy out there this time of the year. Frost and ice on the road will have you off when you least think. As you have found out.
Great that you are so keen to rack up the miles. But do take it easy. The more you ride the more miles you will do. Dont push yourself to do miles just for the sake of it. As the saying goes. 'Smiles not miles'. The miles will come dont you worry.
Indeed , gave up this week and im hitting the turbo


Good luck with your 50 slick, it'll take me a good while to get there. Going from a comfortable but tiring 22 miles to 31 took a lot out of me I have to admit.

Will be going out for a ride tomorrow and I've got some options. If it's cold which it will be, take the hybrid, do the 22 mile route, see how I feel and if I'm not too bad do the 31 miles again.

If it's raining I'll just go to a local hill and climb that a few times. Hate hills so the more I do the better it is.

Don't mind jogging in the rain (can only do 2.5 miles up to now) but really don't enjoy cycling in the rain. And wind.

Mrs M

Hello :welcome:


Yep, am certainly leaning that way. Plus I've been off work a few weeks and alternating cycling and jogging almost every day. Being back at work next Monday or Tuesday still gives me time to improve on my times or distance while keeping the bike the same.

Although have to admit it'd be nice to go quicker for the same effort on the road bike but at least I know I've got the bike there.


Senior Member
Another similar here 45, off the cigs and trying to get back into cycling. Have to get the finger out and hit the road so I can get the fitness up and the mileage. Have been meaning to get out the last week but when I felt the car slipping on the roads I thought I'm not going the brave the bike.
Another similar here 45, off the cigs and trying to get back into cycling. Have to get the finger out and hit the road so I can get the fitness up and the mileage. Have been meaning to get out the last week but when I felt the car slipping on the roads I thought I'm not going the brave the bike.
I find my old 26" wheel mtb keeps me upright most of the time. Stick on grippy tyres and respect the laws of physics when cornering.


I got my road bike at 47yo :smile:.

In a nutshell, I haven't looked back since. (Partly helped by the camaraderie and help from the good people on here). I guess most people's stories will be similar with a tentative start and slowly building up those miles. Your first 50 is a target but also a trophy, it's something you will look forward to achieving and when you do, it will feel so good. (Even the aches and grumbles will feel good ^_^)

Enjoy riding your new bike and watch the weather but don't let it stop you getting the miles in :okay:


Getting old but not past it
North Wales
Be sensible. It is not a question of riding at all cost. If you see frost outside, don't ride. Check the thermometer before you intend to go out. If it reads 3 degrees, don't ride as there will be pockets of black ice somewhere. I never go out unless it is at least 7 degrees and even then, I keep to main roads.
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