Cheers Ohnovino and thanks for the sympathetic smilie. That's what I suspected.
Oh well, any recommendations for picking up a similar but affordable frame? I could google but some tips would be great.
Oh, and...
Treks customer service is quite good, it's still worth a try. They were first class for me when my MYB frame picked up some damage. The shop suspected I'd crashed it (I hadn't) as they couldn't see how the damage was done otherwise, and didn't want to replace it at all, and advised me not to bother contacting Trek. I did so anyway, and they were superb - essentially said that although they didn't believe the original frame was at fault, would replace as a goodwill gesture to the next model up. Big thumbs up for them.
Worth giving it a try and seeing if they will do anything for you.
If they won't, they still offer a service where you can return a damaged frame and get it replaced for a 20% discount if that's of an use to you - might be the best way to get a suitable replacement.