I'm in Finchfield, next to Bantock Park.
My eldest daughter was living till recently in the Northway - now moved in just down the road!
Do you know of any other single speeders in this area? "Wolvesbug" is actually the collective name for the club I belong to, less of a club in fact than a group of enthusiastic cyclists ranging from very experienced (tandems, recumbents, you name it) to complete amateurs. I'm somewhere in between but the only single speeder (they think I'm a bit strange and they may be right - but I love it!).
Next time we're out your way I'll let you know and you can join up (membership is free because we are desperate) plus we could drag them all along to the Beacon Hotel! My idea of a perfect place to stop and replenish the carbos.
Now all I need is a punchy strapline, an avatar and some knowledge of how to post photos and there'll be no stopping me....