Found it.Just looked, it looks like nowt (nothing in Mackem speak) like a steep hill but it gets me every time!!!!!! And I dunno why it says Houghton, no way is it Houghton. Bloody google!
If you go up to the REALLY STEEP BIT (for me remember...) where it turns the corner, that there black lamp post is how far I can get...Its not far round the corner, just a few more cadences (is that a word?) and I get back on just round that corner, where the gate is but before that horse!!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
That's a nice little climb. Nearly half a mile in all, the steepest bit looks like it's getting up to 10% gradient (which is hard work), then it eases back to 5%. Once you can get beyond that steep section, you're home free

Tough climb for a beginner. You'll get it done soon