My Firsts:

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Just looked, it looks like nowt (nothing in Mackem speak) like a steep hill but it gets me every time!!!!!! And I dunno why it says Houghton, no way is it Houghton. Bloody google!

If you go up to the REALLY STEEP BIT (for me remember...) where it turns the corner, that there black lamp post is how far I can get...Its not far round the corner, just a few more cadences (is that a word?) and I get back on just round that corner, where the gate is but before that horse!!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
Found it.

That's a nice little climb. Nearly half a mile in all, the steepest bit looks like it's getting up to 10% gradient (which is hard work), then it eases back to 5%. Once you can get beyond that steep section, you're home free :smile:

Tough climb for a beginner. You'll get it done soon :smile:


Active Member
As the weight comes down, the legs improve and your heart and breathing get stronger that climb will become far easier.
Nothing to worry about just dig deep and push a little harder and further each time.

Watched a great video a month back where an Australian cyclist explains that he changes the limiter so he can't select easier gears for climbs whilst training just because it forces him to practice in tougher gears and therefore improving overall performance. the thought of that makes me queasy but the logic is sound enough.

You'll get there, don't panic, look at your improvements to date so far over 200 miles done, no major setbacks and plenty of progress. :smile:
Cannondale Lady

Cannondale Lady

Senior Member
Commute to work this morning, lovely and fresh with a (not so lovely) headwind. Hubby accompanied me as he was on a late shift and used the chance to get some training in (not that cycling with me will train him for anything!). He took me a different way which had a good few inclines and by I rweached work, I was ready to fall asleep in the saddle.

The bloody security guard decided he wouldn't opn the gate this morning, without seeing my pass, even though I have worked there almost 9 years! I had to dismount, remove my backpack, rummage about for the pass,. show him it, but it back, put backpack on again, Bbefore he would opne the gate. Bloody jobsworth!


Senior Member
I reckon the 'next lamppost-gear change' worked!?
Cannondale Lady

Cannondale Lady

Senior Member
I did the hill...omg u have no idea how that felt! I have never been so determined in my life to do something (apart from to get the babies out when I was pregnant (sh*t that hurt). I did stop at the top of the steep bit to take in water and do a selfie but pushed not at all!

No one passed me (only cos no one was about to overtake me.....) to see me grinning like a Cheshire cat and gasping for air so yes..............another first.

One thing I noticed. The other banks are now just inclines...ones I really struggled with to start with. So stats to date:

Bum - never hurts anymore
Ladybits - no comment
Miles cycled to date - 216
Hubby - actually complimented me today on my achievement
State of mind - hills? PAH......
New average speed (please don't laugh) - 9.4 mph
Fastest commute - 56 minute

Yes! Bring it on........
Cannondale Lady

Cannondale Lady

Senior Member
To be honest I took bits of everyone's advice and just said to myself "S*D the pain, the heart, docs advice, J F D I (just f#&+ing do it)." ....shoved it in 3rd lowest gear to start, looked downwards to road not up the hill and as I struggled and hill got steeper, dropped gear dropped again, spinning past all my past targets and when I was about to stop, shouted expletives at myself and just stuck in. Then it was there. At the top of the steepest bit. Voilà! Job done.
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