Just had a first go with the new pedals and shoes, granted ,mounted on the trainer in my back garden, as my front derailler cable snapped yesterday so I cant ride on the road at the moment.
First attempt at clipping in didnt go well, Ive loosened the tension right off, but I just couldnt "find" the clip. Eventually got it and practiced clipping in and out on both feet for several minutes.
Clipping out at first seemed quite awkward and needed a lot of effort, but after a while, I got used to it.
Wont be until next week now until I can actually go for a ride. Im pretty aprehensive, as I struggle to stop "normally" as is, I usually still stop whilst still on the saddle and just use my tip toes to balance.
Im going to have to get in the habbit of getting off the saddle and standing, otherwise, Ill never get going again and end up on me backside.
Might buy some elbow and knee pads to take out on my first few rides!