My first 100 km ride

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I had all day to myself, so thought it was the perfect opportunity to get out for a long ride. My previous record was 50 miles so i had to crack the 100 km. Last night i plotted a route through many country lanes and villages, hardly going out onto main roads at all. Being in the chilterns a few hills would be inevitable but not too many....

I couldn't sleep last night, it was nearly 3 a.m by the time i went up and was up again at 8 a.m as the Mrs had to go to work. Later in the morning i made a flask of coffee as well as put my water bottles in the freezer for an hour (they stay cold for hours) and made a packed lunch. Chucked everything i needed for the ride in my rucksack, and by 11.00 my lad had gone out and i was ready for the off.

I set off at a steady pace, the weather was o.k, though a little windy. I plodded on for the first 25 miles or so where i found my self in the village of Redbourn with some park benches on the village green which was the perfect place to stop and have a brew and a bite to eat .

The next 20 miles had the steepest climbs, but i battled on knowing i was over half way. I saw loads of cyclists out and about, it seemed like i was nodding and saying hello every couple of minutes

I stopped in Ivinghoe for a slice of cake and another cup of coffee after a long drag uphill. Then it was less than 20 miles for the last stretch home with about 9 miles of near perfectly flat roads so i managed to get a sweat on, except when a series of traffic lights wern't going in my favour through Berkhampstead. One last climb and home was in sight, i'd done it.

62.9 miles or 101.2 km with an average speed of 15.9 mph,and a top speed of 35.6 mph in 4 hrs and 30 seconds cycling time or 4 hrs 37 mins including stops.

Really pleased with myself but feeling a little tired. Time for a celebratory coffee and a biscuit!


rich p

ridiculous old lush
Nice one Jay. Next stop 100 miles!


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
Sounds like a good ride. You are tempting me to go out now, even though it is 10 to 10 in the evening, and I have work tomorrow....


New Member
Me too! In fact it was my first 50 miler, and ended up being my first 100k too.

I did a tour of Cowal ... got the ferry from Gourock to Dunoon, cycled west to Otter Ferry (over a very big hill!) then up the coast of Loch Fyne to Strachur, and finally South along the shore of Loch Eck, back to Dunoon, with an added detour because the Police had closed the coast road to the ferry terminal :angry:. Including the journeys between my house and the ferry terminal, it was 64 miles, with a cycling time of 4h18m.

Surprisingly my legs feel fine today.


Powered by caffeine & whisky
Me too! In fact it was my first 50 miler, and ended up being my first 100k too
Surprisingly my legs feel fine today.

Well done! Same here as well, i woke up today and my legs feel fine, in fact i might even go out for a short ride with my son when he gets home.


Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
I see it is too late to give the warning that cycling can be addictive... ;)


Me too! In fact it was my first 50 miler, and ended up being my first 100k too.

I did a tour of Cowal ... got the ferry from Gourock to Dunoon, cycled west to Otter Ferry (over a very big hill!) then up the coast of Loch Fyne to Strachur, and finally South along the shore of Loch Eck, back to Dunoon, with an added detour because the Police had closed the coast road to the ferry terminal :angry:. Including the journeys between my house and the ferry terminal, it was 64 miles, with a cycling time of 4h18m.

Surprisingly my legs feel fine today.
Good one - it's a fabulous area for riding - and that hill to/from Otter Ferry is a serious hill ! I did it from the west side and was wondering why I cycle, what I was doing there etc when I was only half way up :blush:. Perseverance paid off (though the descent was a bit scary :eek:) but it is a great ride.

Must arrange a CC Ecosse Forum ride there next year ....

CHAPEAU to both Lazyj (lazy ??? :headshake:) and ammwhite :bravo:.


New Member
Good one - it's a fabulous area for riding - and that hill to/from Otter Ferry is a serious hill ! I did it from the west side and was wondering why I cycle, what I was doing there etc when I was only half way up :blush:. Perseverance paid off (though the descent was a bit scary :eek:) but it is a great ride.

Must arrange a CC Ecosse Forum ride there next year ....

CHAPEAU to both Lazyj (lazy ??? :headshake:) and ammwhite :bravo:.

Indeed, the climb up from Glendaruel is even steeper and I was pleased to make it all the way up without having to get off and walk! I passed a guy from Glasgow at one of the laybys who was on an old road bike with only 5 gears at the back, who said he'd had to walk quite a bit on the way up. I wouldn't fancy the descent into Glendaruel - that must have been really hairy! The descent into Otter Ferry was actually pretty easy ... the only scare I had was when a Volvo XC90 coming the other way refused to slow down or give me a decent amount of room :angry:
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