Did you cut the brooks down yourself?
How are you finding the 3speed hub?
Nice looking, pity the forks arent as smooth finish as the frame.
Just bought some Charge Slice bullhorn handlebars to replace the tiny and somewhat uncomfortable, if very pretty randonneurs.
I fear I've made a terrible mistake. They feel enormous, hell they LOOK enormous, and they pull me way further forwards than I was expecting. Well, they are a massive change from what I'm used to. I'll see how I get on!
May sell them on and switch to some chopped off old drops. We'll see.
Is the frame you're using would orignally have had 27s? .....general question really as the 700's look good.
Would it be inappropriate to give my bike a name?
And a French name at that?
And a French name that is 'Cunégonde'?
And if not, anyone know a good way of stencilling a word on my frame?
Depends on the nature of the owner really, if you're the sort of sad git that likes to name inanimate objects then I'd suggest you need to do so![]()
By the way, the build looks great!