My beautiful raleigh - vandalised

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Gary E

Good plan. At least if we had public floggings for them to go to, the vandals couldn't use the feeble excuse that they've got nothing else to do!

Although personally, when I was a kid, I can't remember having that much to do either. Maybe it's the thought of the sound beating I'd have received from my parents if they got the slightest inkling that I was up to that sort of thing? :wacko:

Gary E

Although it's a bit unfair laying this at the feet of the young. Young people don't have a monopoly on stupidity. All you need in order to do this sort of thing is a low IQ and a total disregard for the feelings/property of others!


Senior Member
shame , nought will happen if they get caught

which makes it even more annoying

Interestingly, the last time we reported a bike being vandalised and wheel stolen, they caught the little bugger on CCTV and had been after him for other petty crimes but had no proof. They got him on this and he confessed to several others in court so ended up in juvenile detention. Although I had mixed feelings about it as heard he came from a pretty bad background and was in care. But it was out of my hands. Anyway police are going to look at CCTV footage and go from there. Obviously a slow crime day in Norfolk.

steve keay

Über Member
Ipswich Suffolk
Sorry to hear about your damage Janey. I hate midless scum who do this, Hope you get it fixed soon. Id like to fix the scrotes who do stuff like this .


This sort of thing makes me mad:ninja:

I never buy the boredom theory for this sort of thing. I grew up in a rural area and can think of occasions when I was bored as teenager but never had the slightest inclination to go out and wreck other people's property.


Cat 6 Racer
The Red Enclave
I used to lock my bike up at the station until something similar happened. Usually seems to happen to bikes that are too well secured to nick easily.

I also once came back to find someone had put their lock on my bike. Maybe they thought I would be daft enough to remove my own lock and leave the bike there for them to collect later. Actually, since they'd used one of those pretty flimsy old-fashioned combination locks, I just went home for the garden loppers, which made short work of it. I cut it into many pieces, which I left neatly arranged for them.

If traincos want to ban people from taking bikes on trains, they should be obliged to provide much better secure storage for bikes at their stations as part of their franchise conditions. We have a few of those bike lockers at my home station, but they're not all that secure anyway, plus you need to arrange in advance to use them, which isn't always convenient.



Senior Member
Small consolation, but if you get the wheels rebuilt with alloy rims you may find they've accidentally done you a favour.

The problem is that as it's a vintage 1970s original I'm looking at more than I can stretch to for sturmey archer rear wheel. Especially as I've now lost all confidence for leaving it at the station so not sure whether I would use it. Got a big decision to make. The other bugger is that although old, the wheels are gleaming after all the work put into them.


Janeyb, you may very well find you can replace the wheels with alloy cheaper than you can replace them with chrome. Old chrome rims in decent nick seem to sell for silly money on ebay at the moment. Unless you strike it lucky at a cycle/auto jumble, car boot sale or something, your most cost effective option, assumin gthey are 36 spoke back and front, would be to buy new two rims (they are out there in both chrome and alloy, try SJS for a start but others are likely to be cheaper) and build your existing hubs into them and learn a new skill along the way. You should get away with re-using your own spokes, they don't look bent in the photo, but check carefully. Line up the valve holes and start transferring them one at a time. Turn the bike upside down and use it as a trueing stand when you are finished lacing and you should be able to get it true with a bit of patience.

Whatever you do, don't scrap the frame. Someone will want this as a project, even if you don't.
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