My annual nasty cold.

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Well, I know us ladies are meant to stoically keep going through a nasty cold, but once every winter I seem to come down with a nasty virus that completely wipes me out.
Bad luck for me, it hit on Saturday, which was a slight disaster as I had to finish a uni assignment yesterday. I did manage to get it done, but suspect the quality of my conclusion may have been compromised!
Luckily today was my day off and I've spent it on the sofa, snoozing on and off.

So feeling like death warmed up, any top tips to fight it off quickly?


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Hit the vitamin supplements.
My wife's family swears by the following:-

Boil some water in a small pan (about 3/4 of a cup) with 3 large slices of *fresh* ginger in it.
Add juice of 2 whole lemons
Sweeten with honey to taste (it should be sweet even if you normally don't mind sour)
Take with a couple of paracetamol.

To be fair it seems to do the trick.


Pro sandbagger
South Derbyshire
GWS :smile:

As an aside, I very rarely get colds. I`v probably had 3 or 4 in the last 15 years or so. I take after my Grandad, he never had a cold, he had no sense of smell, his nose was always dripping "dewdrops" and he never had headaches.... I share all 4 traits with him :highfive:


GWS :smile:

As an aside, I very rarely get colds. I`v probably had 3 or 4 in the last 15 years or so. I take after my Grandad, he never had a cold, he had no sense of smell, his nose was always dripping "dewdrops" and he never had headaches.... I share all 4 traits with him :highfive:
You're lucky. I get a really nasty one every winter that wipes me out for about 3 weeks.


With respects to sara_h man flu is reportedly doing the rounds and to anyone who's Ill right now - my thought are with you...

I've done rest, sleep, some Bells Balsam linctus, tot of whiskey, garlic (even if the bad breath does happen), some anti-flu tabs from Wilkinson's.. oh and Water.

When I'm thinking of the opposite sex that's when I know I'm on the right road to some degree of health, strangely.

Apologies for the 'straight-up vibe.

Oh I also read that oestrogen biology is better at fighting off virus's than testosterone..


Girl from the North Country
I think it helps to know what your body needs. I need regular sleep patterns and regular meals. So even at weekends and holidays I get up and go to bed at the same times. The odd late night is fine but too many and I'm more likely to succumb to any germs that are going around. I try to eat healthily and get my five-a-day.

I work in an air conditioned office & we can't open the windows. I make a point of going out at lunchtime everyday - no matter what the weather is like - to get some different air. Preferably for a good brisk walk. And if anyone near me starts coughing & sneezing I take some echinacea.

@Sara_H I bet you were already stressed by your university course deadline and that made it hard for you to fight off the germs :sad:


It has just hit me too, yesterday. I was all set for the West Down Wheelers sportive on Saturday, but I will have to can that now. :angry:
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