Some story!
I admire your determination and staying power!
How did you cope with the hunger pangs?
Thanks everyone for the kind comments ..
@Monsieur no hunger pangs & I eat more now than I've ever done but a 100% clean & healthy I don't even like to call it a diet as it's not , it's a new way of life , losing weight is easy nobody force feeds you it's what you put in your own mouth that determines what you are & of course adding in a bit of excercise so that you're in a calorie deficit the weight falls off .
If I do feel the urge for a little munch normally in the evenings 8-9pm I'll have a few natural cashews or similar , before I'd of had 8 cheese & biscuits & coffee with 2 sugars , now it's green tea that's the daddy of healthy drinks lol !