My 3 year old has cancer, and what I'm going to do about it

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Big Jim

Active Member
Guys all the best with William, stay strong, not easy but keep it together, I lost my first wife to cancer back in 2006 she was only 30 and left me and our 3 and 5 year old. It takes it out of you but keep going.

So sorry to hear that Stephen. I feel something horrible deep inside when I hear of people (and particularly a parent of youngsters) dying so young. I think what is so evident is that it can hit anyone and at anytime often without warning, and you can't quite believe it's happening to you - i.e. you think it usually happens to other people.

I know it's not the same, but I lived with my Gran when I was between 16 and 23 (so quite a time). and was very close to her. She suddenly got Lymphoma and was dead within a month or two. I was in my last year of Uni and had to leave the house, etc. It knocked the stuffing out of me for a few years.

Best of luck for the future Stephen.

Big Jim

Active Member
Just heard that the company I work for match the donations for the Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research (on our page ) with donations for their current charity of choice "action for children". Which is good news.

Paul Stumpy FSR

New Member
Hi Jim,
just read this on the forum whilst browsing. I hope William is on the mend soon.
all the best of the ride, sure it'll be fine ^_^

Big Jim

Active Member
William's currently on day 7 of his conditioning Chemo. All seems to be going well so far. ON thursday his new cells will go in and hopefully he will be cured. Fingers crossed.


Legendary Member
William's currently on day 7 of his conditioning Chemo. All seems to be going well so far. ON thursday his new cells will go in and hopefully he will be cured. Fingers crossed.

Hope all goes well for William - it'd be most uplifting to hear of a positive outcome . . . . . . . how long will it be before you know if his new cells 'work' ?


Senior Member
Hi Jim
Thinking of William and you all, and very much hoping for a positive result.
Just made a donation in the hope that it will go some small way towards helping to eradicating this horrible disease.

Big Jim

Active Member
Hope all goes well for William - it'd be most uplifting to hear of a positive outcome . . . . . . . how long will it be before you know if his new cells 'work' ?

I've heard that the conditioning (i.e. getting the body ready for the transplant and killing off his stem cells) is usually ok. It's the day after the cells go in that they usually go down hill. So Friday or Saturday this week is when he'll get bad.

It takes about 2 weeks of him being a real risk of infection before the cells engraft and start to produce new blood cells (red, white and platelets). Then we have to hope for the following months that he doesn't get any nasty virus's. Have heard that 4 children who died in Jan/ feb this year 3 months post transplant. So, it's going to be nervy for some time. I think usually the cells do engraft so that's not the worry. I think from what they told us there's a 15% chance that he'll die due to the BMT process or a virus, which is actually not too bad a statistic.

With regards to the cancer being killed off and gone, we won;t know for 5 years. Though if he hasn't relapsed within 2 years that's usually a good sign. He has a 30% chance that he will relapse again. I think the way to think of it, is if I took some of WIlliam's cancer cells and injected them into me, my immune system would see them as foreign and kill them. i.e. I can't catch cancer from him. The problem is William's current bone marrow doesn't see the cancer as a foreign body and hence his immune system has allowed the cells to co-exist. I think this is the current field of research, trying to turn the immune system back on so that it see's the cancer as foreign and kills it off. So the idea is to kill off as many cells as possible during the conditioning, then the new stem cells from a donor will engraft in William's body and then see any resident Cancer cells as foreign and kill them. So in affect the new immune system is the fighting force that will cure him. So, it's just wait and see if works. I think there's a very good chance it will (touch wood).

So it's just wait and hope.

I'm actually uploading photos on twitter if anyone fancies seeing the pictures of the chemo + hopefully the new stem cells on Thursday if I manage to get a photo. @jameslyne1


Big Jim

Active Member
Hi Jim
Thinking of William and you all, and very much hoping for a positive result.
Just made a donation in the hope that it will go some small way towards helping to eradicating this horrible disease.
Thank very much Barbelier for the donation and wishes :smile:

Big Jim

Active Member

Currently on day 8 of his conditioning Chemo and just started being sick poor thing.

Thursday is the big day for his new stem cells. can't wait.

Big Jim

Active Member
Today's the day of the cells. Going to happen in 2 hits. one at 10.00 am, then one in the afternoon.

will be an interesting thing to see.
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