my 2 maybe 3 big rides for this year

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Active Member
Well, I have chosen my three big rides for this year, well when I say three, I have yet to confirm the third.

My first one is from my house in Sheffield to Cleethorpes, around 65 miles.

After a short break I am riding with two freinds from Sheffield to Filey, around 89 miles.

Then to hopefully to finish the coast to coast, I can't get any of my freinds to do it with me so it looks like it will be a solo ride but I will love it non the less.

Pile on the miles !!!!!!COME ON!!!!!!!


68, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
I like those sort of "big day out" targets.

Mind tend to be climbing related though. My mate and I plan these 2-3 years ahead.

Good luck with your big rides.


Funny you should post this ... My friend texted me last night with this brilliant idea .... Take a train from London to Bath,and cycle home. 80 odd miles he reckons?


Über Member
Well, I have chosen my three big rides for this year, well when I say three, I have yet to confirm the third.

My first one is from my house in Sheffield to Cleethorpes, around 65 miles.

After a short break I am riding with two freinds from Sheffield to Filey, around 89 miles.

Then to hopefully to finish the coast to coast, I can't get any of my freinds to do it with me so it looks like it will be a solo ride but I will love it non the less.

Pile on the miles !!!!!!COME ON!!!!!!!
Cleethorpes will be a nice start once you get to donny the rest is pancake flat.

Filey will be a bit more challenging, though not ridden there myself but have driven several time and seem to remember a few good climbs going through the Yorkshire Wolds


Active Member
I go to Scarbrough fairly often in the car we love it there and I have ridden the bike from Scarbrough to Filey and I agree with you that will be a good challenge

As for the Cleethorpes ride, there are a number of options coming up on google maps and my phone app, so I need to look at them carefully and choose the best route.

I am really a begginer with cycling the furthest I have ever ridden is 32 miles, so the ride from Sheff to Cleethorpes will be a test and a benchmark for me to start from, I am confident I can complete the ride, in a coupl;e of weeks I am going to do a seven hour ride on the exersise bike, this will give me a good clue in good conditions as to weather I am fit enough to do the ride.

I did the same thing before I took part in the Sheffield half marathon, I went to a gym and did the 13 miles on a tredmill, it really paid off as my self confidence sored.

I want to do the Sheff to Cleethorpes run as soon as the weather is on the turn really, that way it will give me more time to prepare myself for the Filey ride.

I can cope with riding in the rain, I dont really mind if its cold, but I hate the wind.

I will keep doing an hour every night on the exersise bike, then when the weather gets a bit better, the real fun can start.
I am really a begginer with cycling the furthest I have ever ridden is 32 miles, so the ride from Sheff to Cleethorpes will be a test and a benchmark for me to start from, I am confident I can complete the ride, in a coupl;e of weeks I am going to do a seven hour ride on the exersise bike, this will give me a good clue in good conditions as to weather I am fit enough to do the ride.

I can cope with riding in the rain, I dont really mind if its cold, but I hate the wind.

Just keep at it, as Simon says Cleethorpes will be easy for you, and at least your going the right way should there be a bit of wind, speaking of which, the more riding you do (hills if possible) the wind will become less of a problem, it's always a pain, but there will come a time it's not so bad. You just have to say sod any times you were aiming for, and just take it as a challenge, I have found the climbing I have been doing as certainly helped to combat the tiredness you get cycling into the wind, my ride to Wakey this lunch time was 10 miles of head on 10-12mph winds, and yea I was much slower, but it didn't wear me out so much as it would have done last summer, then I hated wind and hills, these days I look to the hills to get out of the wind, well till you get to the top.
Good luck with your rides.


Active Member
I decided today that this Saturday come rain wind or snow I am riding my bike to work, it is mostly uphill so will be good training and the ride I did last weekend was all hills up and down but some real nice ones.

Riding my bike to work will save me some fuel costs as well so its all good :smile:
I decided today that this Saturday come rain wind or snow I am riding my bike to work, it is mostly uphill so will be good training and the ride I did last weekend was all hills up and down but some real nice ones.

Riding my bike to work will save me some fuel costs as well so its all good :smile:
Not to mention the environment.:smile:


Active Member
Just planned a ride with a couple of guys from work, from Hope Valley round Castleton, Edale and so on, a week on Sunday, can't wait for that.


Active Member
Decided on the final route for the Cleethorpes ride, My house in Sheffield, follow the back roads through Hellaby to Doncaster, then on to Cleethorpes.

According to google maps it's 70.5 miles and should take 6hrs 20min add however long for lunch breaks and so on.

Now all I have to do is pick a good weekend to do it :smile:

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