Flying_Monkey said:
Battles... there's one or two good songs on the new one, but the vocordered vocals get really irritating after a while. I missed seeing them live here despite having tickets.
Did you offload the tickets to anyone else? As most of the tour was sold out, it would be sad if a couple simply went out of use. Live they're revelatory by the way - the drummer is a machine, they're tight as hell and it's the bees knees.
I think that you're wrong about Mirrored by the way, the stuff is a step up from the eps and the vocals add an additional dimension to it. But, it's all subjective - in my mind it's a great album, and just looking at the track listings, there is only one or two that aren't great.
I got Explosions in the Sky's last album. Underwhelmed I think is the word. It's pleasant but in no way thrilling. They don't register on the Mogwai scale for me!
Mogwai actually don't do it for me - Come on Die Young, the first one of their albums that I got is actually fairly dull. The singing isn't up to much, and the louder ones are quite simplistic in comparison to some other Post-Rock bands (God Speed). EITS are the sort of band that should be listened to loud, not quitely. A great deal of post-rock is about crescendo, and the only way to get the impact is to turn up the volume. EITS do divide opinion, but I happen to think they're very good at what they do. Saw them live last year and really enjoyed it, will be seeing them again this January. They're curating one of the weekends of ATP this year, which if you're into festivals will be a treat.
The Crippled Black Phoenix album, featuring the bassist from Mogwai, and a member of Electric Wizard, is a very good album as well.