'Just skip ahead a few pages here George, we don't need to know exactly what every character had for breakfast'. If they left out all the detailed descriptions of food and clothing I reckon they could cut it down by about a quarter.
I really lost interest when a bard manages to fend off an attack from a pack of savage dogs by playing them a soothing song on the lyre. That might work in a video game or something but in this sort of book it's just silly. And everyone starts singing 'hey nonny nonny' all the time which is even sillier and reminds me of Blackadder.
You mean you DON'T like how GRRM mentions boiled leather every second paragraph?
Poor Marillion didn't deserve to be cut from the show, but that pales in comparison with them cutting
Lady Stoneheart. I've still never read up to the Red Wedding, but I worked out
zombie Cat Stark's existence purely by paying attention to the show. Of course, that was back when it was based on the source material and was therefore written by someone who actually understood plotting, subtlety and foreshadowing, but then they ran out of source material and it all went out the window in favour of eunuch jokes, the bloody sand sneks (you want the good girl but you need the bad- UGH) and crappy CG action set pieces.
With most other good shows with terrible endings, you can get something out of watching them, because each season has a self-contained story arc. Like in Dexter, you can rewatch and stop after season 4, as the ending to season 4 is
perfect. But GoT is a colossal waste of time, effort and money, because so much of the early stuff was setting up the board for events that were meant to follow but never did.
Seven hells
@winjim, you've angered me this day! MORE WINE!