I am a v keen cyclist, cycle 6 days a weak including commutes, mix of long tempo rides and short hard efforts. Doing some amateur races. Starting late last year I incorporated some core work as part of circuit training, twice a week in the winter and once a week in summer, this includes squats. I do a short quick walk at lunchtimes 5 days a week I don't run... yet. I am faster and fitter this year than I ever have been... happy days.
NB I manage the work/life/cycle balance by working my exercise into my routine as best I can and heading out early at the weekend for the long ones so I am home for kid clubs etc. Turbo in winter.
BUT recently I have been having niggles with hamstrings and ILT tightness. I'm using a foam roller to counteract this but after doing a bit of digging I think I have imbalances. So I've just started adding some hamstring work into my circuit - Single Leg Romanian Dead Lift which I immediately overdid
However, I have backed off and I am sticking with it, also planning on a weekly 4k run over the winter - reminder to self - that I will build up to. As I know I will find it tough. Hopefully it will help. I'll report back.