Still rain of Biblical proportions
I finally got around to completing re-assembly of the Rudge. I had removed a link from the chain and replaced it with a half-link as the chain was always loose and rattled a bit over bumps inside the chaincase. I had managed to drop the circlip thing from the joining link into the chaincase

and it was stuck in the oily gunge at the bottom of it and it was a complete 🤬 to fish out again.
I do wonder if a chaincase is really worth it. The chain (and my trousers) stay nice and clean and the chain will last for decades but it is a nightmare to remove the wheel when combined with rod brakes, hub gear and dynamo. Still, it's all ready for the road now.
I also cleaned and oiled the chain on the Brompton and adjusted the brakes.
I think it is time I tidied up the garage.
Now time to relax and read a little.