Mundane News

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They were even better before Samworth Brothers bought the company, the best one I ever had was one I took to Donington Park in 1978 when it was the 'launch day' for the new SAAB 99 Turbo, all the dealers took their 1st allocated demonstrators to the track and gave 'demo rides' around the circuit to anyone daft enough to get in them. Several got 'pranged' (with customers in the back seats) and our Salesman managed to spin off but avoided the barriers I had to clear the grass from the underside and check it over before it went back out and it had to have new tyres fitted as Pete the salesman and the other 2 drivers (Workshop Manager and head Mechanic) all had suits and ties on whereas I was in overalls (new ones)

2 highlights of the day were sitting on the plastic chairs in the pits scoffing a 2lber (cut into quarters) and having 3 laps in the works rally car driven by Stig Blomqvist, he was passing the road cars like they were stood still with at least one wheel in the air on most bends. :hyper:

Sounds like a banging day out. :biggrin:


#17 Arrows A10, the whole back end on fire after the turbo blew, with the stands of the stadium section in the background.

It was a bit of a spectacular bang.

Right incident, wrong angle. There's also another pic of it that's again the wrong angle. Thanks for looking though xxx :hugs:

I might have to start moving those boxes after all. :cry: Only knowing me, I'll get sidetracked by other interesting bits and pieces and well... The joys of being a total anorak :laugh:
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