It's been a mild and grey day here chez Casa Reynard.
Slept quite well, then had a good brunch of pate on toast and some fruit before hoofing off to Tesco for a spot of yellow stickering. Had to negotiate a rash of regulars and a plague of opportunists today. The former were all behaving a bit oddly; one of them is known for using the self service tills and accidentally on purpose not scanning stuff / switching labels around, while couple of the others are just, well, grabby... And the latter i.e. the opportunists always tend to be grabby anyways...
I've had better days I suppose, but through practicing patience, didn't come home empty-handed... I have breaded chicken fillets, king prawns, two packs of chipolatas, a job lot of Pate de Bruxelles, coleslaw, green beans, two punnets of raspberries, a pot with a mint plant, a farmhouse loaf, eight pains au chocolat and a pack of tortilla wrap things.
Have been chilling for the rest of the afternoon / early evening. Although I have nearly demolished half the panettone that I baked yesterday.
Anyways, I'd better feed the cats as I am being stared at.