Mild and blustery here chez Casa Reynard. It was sunny earlier, but it has now clouded over, and I suspect that rain is heading this way.
Slept OK-ish, but any sort of gentle waking up was interrupted by the parental unit who had apparently misplaced a cat. Said cat was curled up in a box of fabric offcuts that lives under the credenza in the hall / extension. Hey ho, someone's going to have to put up with me being a mardy bag today on the account that I didn't get my full quota of kip.
Anyways, that aside, I have had a kitchen morning, and have turned a pile of rather tired vegetables (carrots, a parsnip, two sweet potatoes, the last of a head of celery, a potato and a bunch of salad onions) into a large cauldron of soup. I also added the turkey stock / cooking juices, some of the roasted pumpkin and a few handfuls of red lentils. Should be good when it's done, smells lovely as it's simmering away.
I will need to restock all the wood bins in the house this afternoon, and refill the coal scuttle.
But first, it's time for luncheon.