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I suggest that Excel for a report not the best place to start.

I suggest a doc programme and drop tables from your data ( spread sheet). Then save them together in a folder for the month.
Also share the file from your computer appropriately to people who need to read but not fiddle. Also means you retain ownership.

But you might be stuck with a bumpy system that makes you do that. There are plenty of them around.

Do I miss work? You can guess

Basically it's a table of what bikes were repaired and what parts were used; it's showing that I have included the cost in the end user price.

It's strange though, every time I mention I've used Excel, someone says it isn't really designed for what I was doing, which was usually a table of some kind.

This raises the question: what is it good for?


Absolutely nothing!

In my previous job, we had a piece of custom built software to access the customer data base and record any customer service or technical support queries and it wasn't ideal but was still pretty user friendly and all the information we needed was accessible from one place.

Then the company got bought out and new boss banned us from using our own system and made us use their system which meant storing all the information in Excel sheets. We now had to look up about half a dozen spreadsheets if a customer called in with a fault instead of having a single user interface. Then there was the added complications where perhaps someone couldn't find the customer's details so re-entered them leading to duplicate information.

New boss insisted this was much better than the antiquated system we had been using. :wacko:
Had a lovely luncheon of a giant pitta bread filled with sliced turkey, coleslaw and cranberry sauce, plus an apple, a pear, the least of the pomegranate and two :cuppa:

Watched Ronnie steamroller Luca Brecel (so much for a close match!) and then went out into the garden to deal with that chunk of willow. While I was at it, saw that a nearby cherry tree also had two sizeable dead branches within reach, so cut those off as well. All of that wood got sawn into three foot lengths and stacked along the fence where it is now out of the weather. If it's dry enough on Wednesday, I'll turn it into logs and chuck it in the garage. Also took out a dead bullace, but it was so rotten, I just rolled the bits to the edge of the wood and have left it for the beetles and woodlice.

Now sat down with a :cuppa: and a chocolate biskit.
This raises the question: what is it good for?

I use Excel for creating timelines and race results for my archive, as well as keeping track of what programmes and magazines I have / still need. There's not enough room in my head to keep everything straight, not when I'm working with a timespan that stretches for more than a decade.

Used Excel a LOT when doing engineering-type stuff to display large amounts of numerical data in graphic form. But then you can also go into the nuts and bolts and dig out specific numbers.


This raises the question: what is it good for?

Nothing other than taking up time and keeping IT helplines in money. Use numbers on the mac as much as i can why more user friendly.

@tyred my new boss is like that sends excel sheets out for everything. We just use to have a simple formatted list of work and student details. Now we get excel sheets with multiple taps and cells all empty. So you have to wade though pagers of nothing to get to the stuff you need. That's once you've convert it to a formate that works lord knows how she make a mess of forwarding the stuff/
Anyone know Noah's phone number? I want to buy an Ark.

maybe just see if you can sneak on board
giraffe costume.jpg
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