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On my way back to Freiburg. Train 1


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Went up Loch Creran this morning.
Sunny but the road is shaded by trees and the adjacent hills so -2C. Road was gritted but a few icy bits tho' nothing serious. Only others there were about a dozen cars and vans with climbers all parked together in the only space near the hill track.
Eight scuba divers cars parked in another part. No moving traffic.
Do not think a dive in L. Creran would be very interesting but probably a bit cold even with dry suits.
Road a bit dodgy on L. Etive due to low bright sunshine so did not go there as originally intended.
what day is it? what year is it? where do I work? :wacko:

93 yr old Mom just called me: "what day is it? are banks open? is the library open? I can't get anyone on the telephone"

told her it's an "observed holiday" for her bank & library, but grocery stores & pharmacy are open. she was disappointed, but has a new plan for her day!
Had a lovely luncheon of a chunk of melton mowbray pork pie, then two slices of wholemeal toast, one with smoked salmon with a squeeze of lemon, and one with brie infused with truffle, plus an apple, a tangerine and two :cuppa:

Then was off to the local nature reserve and community orchard for a walk with a friend and her two dogs. Was cold and slightly blustery out there, but clear and sunny, and it was a pleasure to be out.

Have had to wait for a :cuppa: because I've just spent the last half hour or so incaPUSSitated in an armchair by a purry, snuggly tortie. Actually, she was sharing my onesie... These moments with Madam Poppy are just so special. :wub:
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