Mundane News

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Deleted member 1258

My parents have been trying to reduce as much a possible so I don't have too much to deal with. They are very pragmatic people and have also shown me where the folder is with the will* and the funeral bond.

I have pointed out that while I'm grateful for their forward thinking, I'd rather not need to open it for a few more years...

*"You inherit our fortune", said my dad: "It may cover your bus fare to the cemetery".

I would happily have a major clear out but my Good Lady isn't keen.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I hoovered around the house, this morning, but wasn't in the mood to go full Freddie Mercury..


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Why do these computer peeps have to mess with things ! :angry:

It's called improving usability.
Grey, mild, breezy and drizzly here chez Casa Reynard. Given how wet things are outside, must've bucketed it down overnight.

Slept really well. I think my brain was worn out from all the motor racing nerding I did last night. I now have several pages of notes that I need to start turning into a chronological word document.

Had a quiet morning. Cleaned out the grate, flead the cats and got stuck into some mending that I'd been putting off for the last couple of weeks. It's quite satisfying to get favourite items of clothing shipshape again. Had a hole in a glove, a small tear in a pair of fleece leggings where I caught them on a bike pedal, and one of the pockets had come adrift from my favourite onesie.

Decided against chancing my arm on the Canon scanner with the lightbox. It went for £51 plus carriage, which is actually quite cheap for one of those looking at past listings, but it was the size and heft of the thing that put me off having a go in the end. It's a nearly 5kg lump and has a quite large footprint. I think I'd be better off with a more compact and lightweight scanner that only does documents and photos, as I can then work from the comfort and convenience of the dining room table.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon, and I has a hungry.


Vice Admiral
Decided against chancing my arm on the Canon scanner with the lightbox. It went for £51 plus carriage, which is actually quite cheap for one of those looking at past listings, but it was the size and heft of the thing that put me off having a go in the end. It's a nearly 5kg lump and has a quite large footprint. I think I'd be better off with a more compact and lightweight scanner that only does documents and photos, as I can then work from the comfort and convenience of the dining room table.

I agree that you will need space around the scanner.

How easy is it to name and file the documents and photos?
I haven't got a garage but the shed, a lot in there belongs to our youngest but even so it would take some clearing.

I have got a lot of stuff . Some of it they could take to the auctions . My watches have increased in value . My Dinky and Scalextric cars would make a bit and so would my trains . If I had a say in it I would point out what was valuable .
Had a lovely luncheon of a turkey, cranberry sauce and mayo sandwich, a nibble of some truffle-infused cheese, plus an apple, a clementine and two :cuppa:

Last night's notes have been typed up. I've put them in a table in chronological order so that it's easy to add in new information as and when I get it. Need to tackle the next batch of magazines, so will see what those turn up. And then the holes will be much more apparent.
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