Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
3 & a bit mile walk completed. Bike ride to No1 daughter's, at noon ish, to deliver photo and drill some holes in a couple of plant pots as the drain holes are blocked.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Grr... UK passport applications causing problems again, although to be fair this time it was the complicated payment procedure the UKPA insists on using.
For this I needed to use the online banking
For this I needed to get an app
The App didn't work; I have yet to find any bank phone app that works, which is a problem as they insist on using them.
As a backup they said I should download a QR reading app and enter the code it gave me.
Downloaded 2 QR readers. They didn't work either.
Bank App website then told me to go to the local bank.
If they'd just let me make the payment through the local bank or better through Paypal, like everyone else does, that would be much quicker and easier...

I don't have a passport 🛂


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
On my ride out this morning I got complimented on having mudgaurds by a gentleman with a pristine-condition Citroen BX - he had a return compliment on the car. This was whilst we were waiting for a lady to do a hill start with her car full of five over-large people. After five attempts she made it up the slope without stalling, turning right through a red light.

Then I discovered my café stop was being run by a cute 3 year-old girl; she was organising things, greeting customers and making sure it was running well :notworthy: (I'm sure Mum on the counter and Dad cooking were really running it, or I'd hope so).
I don't have a passport 🛂

One drawback of having two nationalities is that you need some ID for both: We have to enter the UK with British passports and enter the EU/Germany with German passports or ID.

As Germany has mandatory ID this is solved here, but in the UK it means renewing passports every few years which can get expensive, especially when they all land at once.


getting better all the time
Hill walk without needing ventolin at the top today (though it was a smaller hill). Just finished off some Twiglets and about to attempt multi tasking with GCN+ Lost Lanes, a mug of coffee and some knitting. I’ll have to stop the knitting when it gets too complicated for multitasking however.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I don't have a passport 🛂

Not that long ago Northlink wanted to see photo ID preferably a passport to get to Orkney or Shetland.
This was brought on I think by abuse of a discount scheme for islanders who could nominate up to 4 friends and family for a discount on ferry fares.
There is always someone who will spoil any such scheme and we had similar concessions removed for the same reason.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
The ravens I can see from my window have come out to play again. Made some attempts to get a photo but just too far away even with my longest lens and in any case they move too fast to catch them. Video would be the only answer but the images would still be pretty tiny.
Blue sky appearing above me but rain or sleet sweeping up the Morvern shore.
Went out by car again to check the flowers on my wife's grave as they cannot be seen from the roadway just now due to extensive earthworks and screens.
The cemetery is full and getting extended as well as a park and ride car park being put in on a bog which needs lots of infill.
General opinion is that it is a waste of money as touroid are unwilling to be parted from their cars and in any case it will soon fill up with motorhomes free parking overnight.
Our main road out is mostly ok but bits are very slushy and a bit dodgy.
Hope it improves by tomorrow as I am off to catch a morning ferry.


Legendary Member
Hill walk without needing ventolin at the top today (though it was a smaller hill). Just finished off some Twiglets and about to attempt multi tasking with GCN+ Lost Lanes, a mug of coffee and some knitting. I’ll have to stop the knitting when it gets too complicated for multitasking however.

We had a member in are cycling club .His surname was hill We called his younger brother slope he was just a little slope.:laugh::laugh::laugh:
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