Mundane News

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Very wet here chez Casa Reynard, but at least it's not cold. Might put in a call to Mr Noah later to see about a boat...

Aaaaanyhoo, parental chauffeured to a thing at the quack on lifestyle (a waste of time, but they need to tick boxes) and instead of waiting in the car park, I toddled off to get the Autosport Christmas double issue.

Bread for a friend's Xmas pressie is now doing its bulk fement (three grain with rye & oats) and I've had to write another card for someone down the road that I don't know. We've a rash of new builds and I guess it's new neighbour enthusiasm. So after luncheon, I shall have to do a @Jenkins and cycle down there on Max the MTB to drop the card off. No point taking the car, it's a mud track with nowhere to turn around.

Anyhoo, time for said luncheon.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...

Jus' saying... 😂
I remember being in Paris & being so cold I welcomed the vents from the Metro

I remember being in Queenstown, NZ in April or May of 2002 or 2003, and never feeling so cold since I was about 7 in the 1950s - there was even Jack Frost on my B&B's windowpanes! Single glazed, oh brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr in the bathroom in the morning!


Right last minute jobs almost done end is in sight. So from me and Snoopy it's have a good Christmas be it big or small , full on or just time out.Enjoy the day how ever you feel like it , no rules it's your day eat what you like and have drink or two of what ever you fancy. Be it alcoholic or soft. Remember if love ones are no longer here it's ok to have a tear or two and talk about them. (I for one will be) But find time to enjoy your day too they won't want you feeling sad all day.
Signing off and See you on the other side.

Deleted member 1258

One of several places, Longford just off the M6, Allesley just off the A45, London Rd just of the A46, and theres a few more as well.
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