A question for
@tom73 and Mrs tom73.
I have no intention of talking politics on this thread, but can I ask a question? When a member of the Army is driving an ambulance, why are they not allowed to put on the Blue lights and sirens?
I can imagine that they may not be skilled in driving an ambulance, but they would be used to driving a large vehicle, in all sorts of traffic.
Not being allowed to put on the "Blues and twos" would mean that drivers would not know they had an ambulance behind them, or in on-coming traffic. When I hear the sirens it gives me time to think about moving off the road safely and/or to expect an emergency services vehicle on "my" side of the road.
Also one category they are not going to call out an ambulance for is ladies in late stages of labour.
In the extremely unlikely event that I am asked to take a pregnant lady to hospital, do we go straight to the Maternity Unit rather than A & E.