The way you describe your cats, they sound like lovely pets, and good company, family almost. If someone is so centred on judging and/or winning, and they make insensitive comments, I would ignore them, politely of course.
I can also vote with my wallet - and not enter shows or classes under those judges again.
Their logic is flawed, as not every cat can be winning prizes all the time.
Exactly - they're living, breathing, thinking creatures, not machines. It really does depend on the mindset of the exhibitor, though. A very dear friend has a ginger and white boy who is pretty well much the best household pet show cat in the country. When he's at home, he delights in ratting, beating up the dog (he's bigger than the dog LOL), stealing sausages and generally lording it over the neighbourhood. Oh yes, I also buy him sausages in the reductions LOL...
One of the facets of showing that really gets my goat though, is that with some exhibitors, when their cat stops winning, it gets moved on, usually ending up in rescue, and they go get another one. Happens across the board, whether it's in the household pet section (where I show) or in the various pedigree sections.
I have two cats, Bob, about four years old. He could win prizes for being a nosey parker, and trying to tell everyone that he is hungry. Tasha is about nine years old, and could win prizes for exploring the field at the end of my garden, and also for glaring at, and frightening a Husky dog when she dares to walk past the end of the garden. They were both at the Cats' Protection League when they chose me.
Your two sound fabby

All of mine have been from Cats Protection too - I volunteer for my local branch. Lexi is the nosey moo here, and I used to have a black boy called Toby who used to terrorize the neighbourhood dogs. He once biffed the mayor's dog during the pet service in Ely cathedral...